I Decided To Play and Rank Every Mega Man Game Because I Hate Myself

Game Gear in general is a love/hate relationship for me; love for the actual build quality of the device and hate for everything being too zoomed in. It was like a Game Boy mated with the Genesis and the child (screenwise) had dwarfism (no offense to dwarfs).

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So Mega Man X4 is your favorite game in the series so far?


X4 is pretty peak. X5 had Navi from Ocarina of Time levels of annoyance from companions. Still a great game otherwise.


Yeah I’m a huge fan, it’s just elegant. Zero fat. X1 is basically just as good but X4 has the whole other playable character so it’s just barely over it for me.


Hello folks, I’m adding another chunk of games to the list!

Mega Man X4
Mega Man X
Mega Man 11
Mega Man V (GB)
Mega Man 5
Mega Man 9
Mega Man 10
Mega Man X2
Mega Man 7
Mega Man IV (GB)
Mega Man X3
Mega Man 4
Rockman 2: The Power Fighters
Mega Man 8
Mega Man 2
Rockman: The Power Battle
Mega Man 6
Mega Man 3
Mega Man III (GB)
Rockman: Battle and Chase
Mega Man X5
Rockman and Forte
Mega Man: Dr. Wily’s Revenge (GB)
Mega Man’s Soccer
Mega Man 1
Mega Man X DiVE*
Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Mega Man X6*
Mega Man Xtreme 2 *
Mega Man Xtreme *
Mega Man II (GB)
Mega Man (Game Gear)
Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chousensha
Wily & Right no Rockboard: That’s Paradise!!
Super Adventure Rockman
Mega Man 3 (DOS)
Mega Man (DOS)

Mega Man Xtreme 1 and 2: Game Boy Color Mega Man X games in the tradition of the Mega Man Game Boy games. These are admirable efforts but I feel like Mega Man X doesn’t translate to the Game Boy as well as classic Mega Man did. There’s too much compromised in the gameplay, sound, and visuals, and it just doesn’t work. There are some cool ideas like having you face different bosses depending on the difficulty level, but it’s just not very good.

Mega Man X DiVE: If you’re not familiar with this one, this is a gacha game that had all of the F2P stuff stripped out and released as an offline version on Steam. It’s kind of neat, there are playable characters from across the whole franchise, but the fact remains that it’s a grindy, cut down version of a Mega Man X game.

Mega Man X6: Mega Man X6 is a Playstation 1 game released at the end of 2001, a year into the PS2’s lifespan. It feels like a game that was made out of spite, which might be the case seeing as Inafune-san, the creator of Mega Man, wanted to stop with X5. The level design is half-assed, the music is mediocre, the few non-recycled sprites are sloppy and amateurish, and the localization is comically bad. It is functional as a video game, which is about the kindest thing I can say about it.


I will correct myself, because the Battle Network series exists (and that one arcade soccer game), which is more turn-based RPG. Not terrible, but it strays HEAVILY from the main gameplay style. Legends still kept that platformer essence, but in 3D, obviously limited by the Playstation hardware and era.

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Are you purchasing and playing each of these on the original hardware, or are you doing what is necessary just to play them? Because some of these are super hard to come by in original format and cost a lot.

I’m not against the latter option, just curious.

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MMX7 should also be on the list of “straying from formula”. It’s not fully 3D (Legends) and not fully 2.5D either (MMX8).


This is true. It’s been quite a while since I’ve played any of them, but the whole X series I enjoyed more than the core series.

ZX series also exists, one that I haven’t personally played yet. The soundtrack for ZX, though… mmm dat bass.

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As a fellow mega man dork, I love this ambitious/arbitrary quest of yours.

What versions of the X games did you play? I ask because I vaguely remember the PC(DOS) version of Mega Man X being worse than my SNES copy. X3 editions were all over the place - it’s SNES version has a different soundtrack vs the others, some versions have the cutscenes/anime, the Saturn version is at a different resolution/bordered (IIRC…), the Windows version is a combination of the others and has some gameplay tweaks.


Looking forward to where Battle Network and Star Force land up in your list


yeah I’m mostly playing through the Legacy Collections and emulating when they’re not available that way, OG hardware is too dear for my budget haha

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I’m very excited to get there, I love MMBN and have never played Star Force!

@islane they were the SNES versions!


Those have been very well done, in my opinion. I already had a lot of legacy (har har) hardware and versions from growing up (IT ALL STILL WORKS AND NO ONE CAN TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME!) :rofl:

I forgot about Star Force, too! Star Force is the pre-cursor series to Battle Network, so play those first.

Starforce is set ~200 years after MMBN! Was for the NDS, MMBN was for GBA

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For other fans of the 16-bit / SNES X games, allow me to share this: SAGE 2024 - Complete - Mega Man X8 16-bit | Sonic Fan Games HQ

This is a very professional ‘demake’ / rebuild of Mega Man X8 into SNES 2D graphics. I’d argue this looks and plays better than the official Capcom title. It isn’t perfect, but sort of incredible considering it was (apparently) a hobby project by a solo developer!


You are correct. I misspoke. :+1:

I was never into handhelds, so that entire generation passed me by. lol Got mixed up.

Oh this is awesome, I’ll compare and contrast this with X8 when I get there