different coolers. and for the love of god, don't get a 560. it's old.... get like a 7870 or 7850 or 660/660ti
and last one comes pre overclocked
thanks so much!
whats the advantage of using those over the 560?
Well, for starters, the 560 is old, has 1GB of VRAM, is insanely overpriced... It is very old compared to modern graphics cards. The price-point is rediculous; almost $200 for that? It's crazy! Get a 7850, 7870, or a 7870 Tahiti. Don't spend your money on that crap.
Also, the 660ti is a good card, just overpriced.
560 is last gen. new cards are more powerful, use less power, and are just overall better.
take a look at this: