So, I decided to install Linux onto a second hard drive. I unplugged my hard drive that had Windows installed onto it and installed Linux onto my second drive. Later, I tried plugging back in the other hard drive and running Windows, but it dosn't seem to recognize that there is even an operating system installed.
Unplug your linux drive ,leave your windows hardrive plugged and restart your computer with your windows cdrom and try to find the repair tab in the options.It should repair your MBR (boot)
Good luck
plug both drives in boot to linux then run
sudo update-grub
then reboot
@rollymaster is on to it. All thats happened is grub has been installed without the windows drive being plugged in and so it doesn't know to check the drive.
Thanks! I ran the repair using my Windows disk and it fixed the problem.
Well, I got into Windows after running the repair, but now that I have both drives plugged in again, I still only have the option to run Linux.
Now that windows is repair leave the hardrives plugged ,go in the bios and start from your linux drive
once in linux do what @rollymaster said and boot up again you will now have the option in Grub.
Now you have both drives plug in run the command below again and it should see Windows and add it to your bootloader.
sudo update-grub
When ever I type in sudo update-grub, it just says sudo: update-grub: command not found
You have to type it in a terminal (somewhere in linux menu) just type sudo hit return it should ask for your password if not ,well ....grub was not install maybe
By the way what version of linux have you install?
Alright we'll try something form the Ubuntu Help pages.
Run these three commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && boot-repair
Now open the application and you should see something similar to this:
Try 'Recommended Repair'.
I am using Fedora.
Ah right, we sort of guessed you were running Ubuntu since you didn't say.
@rollymaster and my solutions will not work for you as they are for Ubuntu.
How comfortable with CLI and editing files are you? You're going to have to tell GRUB (the boot loader) about your windows EFI chain.
I am a noob with Fedora ...if you have a live cdrom of fedora you might have an option to fix your bootloader (grub) or try this:
Also, can you bring up a boot selection with your BIOS? You could do that and just select the drive with windows on it. Have you tried that?
sudo apt-get install grub
then sudo update-grub
If that doesn't work use boot repair listed above.
It seems to be working now. Thanks!