I got a Zotac GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB Video Card but I want to be able to play anything like Bf4
should I return the card I got for this XFX Radeon R9 270 2GB Double Dissipation Video card or even this ASUS HD7770-2GD5 Radeon HD 7770 GHz Edition 2GB 128-Bit GDDR5 ?
is it worth doing? I can only spend $150 on a GPU if I return the one I got.....I im new to all this soo any advice would help :)
Update: (thx for the help everyone :) I talked it over with my mom. So the plan is to just to upgrade the motherboard and GPU in the future when I get more money. Thx for all the links and recommendations ill be sure to get a better newer motherboard and a R9 270 as a GPU)
I like Toms monthly best graphics card for the money articles so I am going to quote it.
Although we still like Nvidia’s GeForce GTX 750 Ti for its modest performance at 1920x1080, its compact form factor and its downright conservative power consumption, AMD’s Radeon R9 270 recently dropped to a similar $150 to $160-ish price point, delivering notably higher frame rates. As such, the 270 picks up a recommendation, while the 750 Ti takes an honorable mention for those limited by chassis size or power supply output. In the same vein, steer clear of the few remaining Radeon R7 265 models, which also sell for roughly $150.
The R9 270 will give consistently better framerate in BF4. Worth returning the GTX 750 Ti? Depends on if you feel the performance is worth the time and effort.
Id return that motherboard and GPU. 270/x would be better for sure. In saying that a budget GPU will only see you through perhaps the current crop of AAA titles at best. IMHO a 280/x should be the lowest tiered GPU considered for any gaming build.
The 750ti is not bad for the price. However it won't have much longevity. I would say it would be more expensive in the long run since you will be buying a new video card after a year or more.
I would recommend running games off of the integrated graphics if you have one until you can afford a 'proper' card ($200-300). If you really can't stand the integrated graphics then you can always just go get the 750ti or something similar.
Ideally I would recommend looking for an open box 970 for just under $300, or a used one from a 'ram gate' return.
They're not the coolest kids on the block but you won't have smoke and fireworks. Cause your current board it's not a case of if but when it does go boom.
thx for the help everyone :) I talked it over with my mom. So the plan is to just to upgrade the motherboard and GPU in the future when I get more money. Thx for all the links and recommendations ill be sure to get a better newer motherboard and a R9 270 as a GPU
If you live near a microcenter they give you a $40 discount on mobo and processor combos. You could buy an FX 6300 with a Asus M5A97, which is a good board, for $150 total.