I am new and switching over from console. I want to play the games like witcher 3 and future games on high or ultra. I know nothing about what parts to pick and what matters and what doesn't so any help would be greatly appreciated. Also I'm not looking to break the bank here, but don't mind to spend some money if it is worth it to be able to enjoy my gaming experience. Not looking to go over about 1000$ if I can help it
I have a xbox one now and am looking to at least be able to achieve the same graphical prowess as my XB1 (which from what I understand is chump change on a decent rig) so please any suggestions?
You buying a monitor with it or just using whatever TV or Monitor you already have? With $1000 you will EASILY be able to stomp that Xb1
I will probably buy a monitor as to get my gaming out of the living room (less wife trouble that way).
Is that monitor going to come out of the $1000 budget for the PC?
Looks pretty good to me. don't forget about mouse keyboard and a dvd drive of some kind.
i would personaly change the gpu for the Sapphire 290 TriX OC, better more silent card then the Msi.
And i would recommend to look for a better case, cause that fractal core 3500 seems to be awfull to work with.
try this for size: I optimized it towards the $1k range. Includes KB/Mouse. I swapped the SSD for a Velociraptor for capacity/price and performance. Changed the Blue to a Black too. Swapped the GPU to the 290X TriX OC. Changed the RAM to Mushkin Stealth CAS-9. Changed the case to the Versa H22. Changed the PSU to Seasonic. Added Keyboard and Mouse combo. All the parts minus the GPU/black 1TB shaved money off the total.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
CPU | Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor | $167.99 @ SuperBiiz
Motherboard | ASRock H97 Anniversary ATX LGA1150 Motherboard | $69.99 @ SuperBiiz
Memory | Mushkin Stealth 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory | $55.98 @ Newegg
Storage | Western Digital BLACK SERIES 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive | $69.25 @ Newegg
Storage | Western Digital VelociRaptor 500GB 3.5" 10000RPM Internal Hard Drive | $124.99 @ SuperBiiz
Video Card | Sapphire Radeon R9 290X 4GB Tr-X OC Video Card | $299.99 @ Newegg
Case | Thermaltake Versa H22 ATX Mid Tower Case | $33.99 @ SuperBiiz
Power Supply | SeaSonic 650W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply | $91.99 @ SuperBiiz
Operating System | Microsoft Windows 8.1 (OEM) (64-bit) | $87.98 @ OutletPC
Monitor | LG 27MP33HQ 60Hz 27.0" Monitor | $182.98 @ Newegg
Keyboard | Cooler Master CM Storm Devastator Gaming Bundle Wired Gaming Keyboard w/Optical Mouse | $28.99 @ NCIX US
| Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts |
| Total (before mail-in rebates) | $1244.12
| Mail-in rebates | -$30.00
| Total | $1214.12
| Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-05-07 10:23 EDT-0400 |
The double HDD seems redundent. The Velociraptor should be swapped with an SSD.
Not sure if you were including monitor price into the build, but I'd go with this. It doesn't include monitor. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/LxqhrH
That build would offer expandability, and the ability to overclock later on with the addition of an aftermarket cooler, and is really not even comparable to an XB1. Also imo there is absolutely no reason not to be using an SSD in any current build. The Define R5 is a very user friendly and quiet case that will make your build pretty easy. And congratulations on your switch. Once you do your own build you'll never go back.
Thanks everyone its alot of info to take in :) I guess the last question I have is I will be buying this stuff over maybe 3 months or so do you guys recommend any particular buying order?
Case and power supply first, that way you can start planning it out. Everything is pretty much standardized, aside from cable runs and cases. Otherwise, get it all in the same shipment.
I've built all my computers in one run, about 3-4 hours, then spend about an hour checking things over (I've build them at ungodly hours at night before too, so I could finish). Mistakes can and will happen, so check everything as many times as possible. Stretching the build over a long time period just introduces more space for mistakes like "I'll move that cable out of the fan later" or whatever, and you forget later when you boot up.
umm. not really. Price to Perf to Capacity, Velociraptor wins. If anything swap the Black drive for a SSD if you must have an SSD. Really hard to beat 10k RPM in Spindle storage.
If you look at Price to Perf to Capacity all at once, yes, the Velociraptor can pull ahead. But an SSD is not for all of those plopped in one pile, they are for speed, and a lot of it. There is no need for a large SSD, even a measly 64GB SSD can get you running, and tossing in a random HDD and you are good for a while. Look for some sales and you can get the same size drive in SSD form for a little more, while getting two times to sequential read/write speed. While keeping a nearly indestructible drive that does not heat up (a potential problem with Velociraptors) and and is not prone to damage from accidents (cats).
The Velociraptors used to be some of the best drives out there, and back when I built my first rig 6-7 years ago I dreamt about getting one. However with SSDs starting to catch up in size, they are going to die off.
That's really good for a new guy to just jump up and create on their own...
3 months, dont bother with parts list now. Hence Im not going to waste 10mins creating one.
Buy all at once.
- having parts sitting around eats into warranty, DOA periods etc.
- prices change, with the upcoming (and never-ending iteration of hardware releases what you pay for a part now wont be what you pay for in in a few months time - gpu's, ssds, etc.)
- V'raptors ~ only if you have the pc in another room or use headphones. Nice fast decent drives, I used to love em (like 6yrs ago), but they're are annoying.
Vraptor drives have changed. they came out with a new iteration of them. Now they are fast and quiet and you dont really have to worry about overheating any more. you are talking about a drive from 6+ years ago. Im talking about a recent drive. ~2yrs.
i dont realy see a vallid point for a rapor drive to be honnest.
i would just go with a SSD + 1TB WD Blue.
WD black drives, are a waste of money.
R9 290x 8GB
8gb DDR3 1600
^That's kind of a starting point suggestion for around the $1000 price range, considering the cost of the motherboard, PSU, etc. I think the Devils Canyon series from Intel and the 290x from Radeon are great options to start with.
Since you are basically asking for some general help, the Asrock anniversary motherboards are the a bargain right now. I would advise getting a K series chip and a Z-97 chipset board. Running your i5 at 4.6 Ghz instead of 3.5 Ghz is insanely easy to set up, and since you're going to be spending $200ish on a good CPU anyway, you may as well get one you can overclock. Getting the SSD is almost a no-brainer, since for $50-75 you are almost doubling your boot time and operating system responsiveness, so that's nice.
Here is what I would go with for $1k, but if I could I would save up money (budget:$1.5k) for a better experience in getting better parts to get into the better "sweet spot"
there are ways to get windows for cheap, I have never bought them... yet, so I couldn't tell you a reliable source, but I'm sure there is a post on this forum related to it.
unless you plan to download a thousand games, I think 500gb sad should do fine for a while, and with a higher budget later on, you could buy a second sad.