I am in need of opinions and help! Broken G2 :(

So my headphones and my seatbelt got tangled, and as I went to get out of my car, it flung my g2 to the ground, shattering the screen to the point where it won't recognize touch.

So with T-Mobile, I have jump, so any phone will be the same price for me....I feel like I should try something else instead of getting the same phone. However I LOVED the G2. The battery life was my favorite part.The front that was mostly screen is also sexy.

Some things I felt it lacked: MicroSD Wireless charging

So what is a good phone on tmobile? I also would like to know if you feel the phones you personally recommend have a good ROM community. That's a fairly big factor. The one for the g2 was alright. Even just one good custom ROM would be nice. Most phones seem to have CM.

The G Flex looked interesting, but no ROM support, and meh resolution. I really don't like Samsung but the S5 or note 3 might be....interesting. Just to try something. I will upgrade again later this year because of jump, so I don't mind stepping out of my comfort zone, even to maybe a motox. I would like the z2 but no announcement and I have even find an XDA forum page for the z1s T-Mobile has.....

Opions and advice welcome, thank you in advanced! I hope to turn this tradgedy into happiness! I f inally really settled in a phone I like....if nothing else stands out or is high recommeded, I wouldn't mind it again. Keep in mind it needs to be from T-Mobile US so I can use the upgrade to actually afford the phone.

TL;DR: Broke my awesome LG G2. Recommend some phones sold by T-Mobile US so I can upgrade? Thanks!

(I like mostly battery life, and ROM community)

I own a z1 and its a great phone. Only thing it lacks is wireless charging but you can buy magnetic docks/cables for them online. The battery on it is great, and waterproofing is an extremely useful feature. While I love it, I'd wait for the z2, although it will be released later. I'd also consider the HTC one m8 as it has similar features to the z1.

In short: z1<m8<z2

 edit: http://www.androidpolice.com/2014/01/16/t-mobiles-sony-xperia-z1s-does-not-have-an-unlockable-bootloader/

avoid z1s if you want to tinker

Nexus 5?

Maybe a Moto G 16GB if you want to go slightly cheaper. They have a Unlocked US Model and a Global Model. Nexus 5 is your next best bet if you want a great deal of a phone.

I second this.


Or the LG G2 again, Nexus 5, or Moto X. Those would be the only phones I would get. 

All 4 of those phones are great, buy if I had a choice I would definitely get the oppo find 7. The 1440p screen wins me over for it. 

You are really looking forward to that phone huh? I must admit it is a very nice looking device, I hope it enters the other markets easily and we have another "high end" options besides Apple or Samsung. Yes there is more but most consumers only think those two companies make handsets.

Hey thanks guys.

As it turns out my insurance was $150 and they just gave me a new phone. So since that was cheaper than even a moto g I went that route, phone comes in today!

Yeah I'm very curious for the find 7 and the z2. Hopefully when I can upgrade in June one of them will be supported through a T-Mobile upgrade! If not, oh well, this g2 has been nice to me....when I'm not dropping it without a case ;-;