Approximate Purchase Date: e.g.: when i get the money! as far as i can tell my money will be coming in speraticaly but this is the only thing i will be paying for so have at it.
Budget Range: i would like the price to be the most for your buck but really there is no limit as i am willing to save up as long as it takes!
System Usage from Most to Least Important: (e.g.: recording and editing the gaming i do!, folding@home, surfing the internet, watching movies)
Are you buying a monitor: Not unless you guys think the one i have is horrid or it would not affect performance more than 10 fps on my games.
Parts to Upgrade:anything that is outta date or you feel like could be better. as i am wanting to do youtube letsplays and other high demand games.
Do you need to buy OS: No i have this covered!
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: the best bang for the money after shipping to brunswick, Ga, usa
Location: see question above!
Parts Preferences: i like to have a lot going on and i heard that amd is the best for that. soooo what ever you think!
Overclocking: Maybe, i would need to research more about it or get someone to help me on skype or something!
SLI or Crossfire: Maybe, if that is what will get me the most outta my system then yes
Your Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080 27" but i can get a bigger or more than one if need be!
Additional Comments: I would like a quiet PC. as recording with fans blaring will get annoying.
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: well to tell you the truth i cant really record the games i want to with this setup.
rig pcpartpicker listing: remember this is what i have not what i am getting. also i have a bad keyboard and mouse along with kraken 5.1 and a samson desktop mic.
thank you all for the help/commenting and i hope you have high frame rates and low temps.
ugh looks like i'm reading an essay SPACE THINGS OUT lol
anyways if you're recording from the pc all i can think of is fraps......otherwise if its a console get a dedicated device
the system specs look alright for everything minus the gpu as recording from the same pc can slow things down....but i'd at least consider moving your games to a ssd
a dedicated recording/encoding/streaming pc would be another option,,,,,just depends if you're just recording or recording n streaming on twitch or something at the same thing