Hz and FPS-

So i' just got a 980. I'm getting 80-90 FPS it looks great. My monitors are 60hz monitors. 


Does this mean i'm not actually seeing 80-90 fps, due to the monitors limits?

Most ppl don't have 120 hz monitors that boast such high FPS...Does this mean regardless of FRAPS saying i'm getting so many FPS it's just psychological? and that i'm not seeing that many... 

So can we have a educated discussion on this?



If your monitor is 60 Hz you are seeing 60 Hz. There is still a benefits if your cards can handle more than barely 60 fps though (google frametime).

Btw: If your performance is so good you could try downsampling,  its basicly the only thing that helps after 4x msaa (in my opinion) and is an easy fix for ports without proper AA.

your game is running at 80-90 fps that means that not all of the rendered frames are not being shown on screen because the panel can only show a new image once every 16.7 ms or 60 images in one second- those extra frames never make it to your eyes- however this is better than player at below 60 because every new frame is different from the last- sub 60hz images will repeat.

I have been thinking the exact same thing, so thanks for bring this up :)

thank you..

So does that mean that my friend who plays at 89fps and 125fps on counter strike for "in game benefits" isn't seeing anymore than 60?

well i've been researching this, and based on this forum and million others, that is correct, only 60.. 

His input lag would be a tiny, unnoticeable bit better with higher than 60 fps.

Yes.  a 60hz panel can only display 60fps.

However, it's usually better to have a game running at something like 121fps to account for uneven frame timings.  Frame timings are essentially the pacing of how frames are sent to your monitor.  For example, if you are getting 60fps, it's possible that 30 of those frames come in the first 1/4 of the second, and the other 30 comes in the latter 3/4.  It's difficult to measure - but this is why some gamers set a FPS limit so that there's no tearing, but also so that the frame timing can be somewhat minimized.

that is very interesting .... +1 good info from what I have been reading 

again Sensei proves why he is the master  ...  lol

yes in a way. the higher fps you have also means that the frame took less time to render- depending on the game engine this could mean that from the time the frame is requested to the time it makes it to the screen is sooner