Hypervisor able to create / run a nested VM insite an Unraid based OSX VM?

have an unraid setup based upon an AMD threadripper 3970, I have a Catalina and a BigSur VMs. The problem I have is in either VM I would like to run a nested VM, either Parallel or Vmware fusion as I have a few windows programs I would like to run. VMWare fusion (on Catalina, BigSur seems to have a bug with nested VM) tells me it cannot run for lack of VT-X, which I understand is an Intel technology.

Is there a different product (from Parallels, VMWARE fusion)I can use to create / run a nested VM inside a Ryzentosh / Unraid based VM?

Why run nested and not just as second VM on unraid?

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I’m almost sure spaceinvaderone had a video on this
Yep, here you go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-saWn6ZbHc

because I want to run either parallels / vmware fusion inside the OSX VM

Yes, I saw it but that setup was based upon an intel system, not an AMD one and hence it had VT-X

I believe I found some answers and they are about using VMWare fusion Version 10 (rather than the latest) which apparently does not have a dependency on VT-X, I will try and report on the results as maybe there is somebody “out there” interested in this setup

hello, no, VmWare fusion does not help and also VirtualBox is not working, I guess running OSX in an unraid VM, prevents me from being able to running any other hypervisor inside OSX (I needed it to run, within OSX, a few windows apps, Outlook one of those, since Outlook for OSX is a piece of rubbish)