Huge Thank You!

Well it took about 3 months of research, and waiting for black friday but i made it! Just a big thank you to all the people on here who helped me with all the dumb questions i had on here. I enjoyed the debates, opinions, and advice all of you guys/girls/doges gave me :D 

I dont know how to add pictures o.o so ill just post links to imgur Thanks again!

Pictures: (Just choose Next or Previous to look at the pictures, there are 5 pics),QLqxb78,I1vvj4i,xc60xE9,0jbCca8


You have to add the HDD in device manager. Right click "my computer" and then click "manage". You will see that the computer recognises all storage devices, but you have to assign a drive path to each individual sata device.

Drive :D

Drive :E

Drive :F et cetera.