I can't stand shopping for HTPC cases, anymore. Amazon has 500 silverstone cases that all look like crappy 90's desktop computers, except maybe a bit smaller. I just want a basic case that holds this short shopping list for an HTPC I'm looking to build in the near future:
For APU and Mobo, I've got a low-power Richland APU and an mATX motherboard combo that I think will work --
Links because I'm quite certain someone would ask if I didn't.
As for the rest of what I want to put in, all I want is one each of an HDD, SSD, and Optical Drive with tray -- and it's this last piece in particular that a lot of cases seem to have problems with. I hate slot optical drives intensely. They get dirty, break, and usually eat an important disc before kicking the bucket for good even if you treat them well, but it seems like most the cases that even have space on the front for an optical drive, which is surprisingly few, only have slots instead of trays.
As for the nitpicky stuff, the fans obviously have to be quiet because this machine will be under my PC. The cooling of the case probably doesn't need to be top-notch, though. This is a very low-power setup with the only card being a little wifi thing.
If you know of a case or an online shop with nice cases then please point me to them. I feel like maybe I just don't know how to shop for the things.