I want to get into building HTPC for people (like in real life, and getting paid) and I'd like some advice from people who've had experience in that field.
what Linux distros have the best stability, driver support, and UI. and windows frontends as well so I can be flexible, and what software is popular?
as far as hardware I have abbaseline build around 585 with windows included. it has 2x4GB 1600, 240GB muskin chronos SSD, 6400K, high end Asrock mini itx board, 430w psu, and a silverstone ML05B
that's the baseline minimal specs things can be added Ala cart customization, but I think it needs fine tuning, like the ram, would 2x2GB be alight for HTPC use or is the 8 GB recommended? I want the SSD to be a baseline standard since streaming, is the hot thing right now, if they want storage then I can get a 128 GB SSD and a 1TB HDD for around the same price. as far as the PSU goes its a rosewill430w green drive as I've had luck but if I can trim down the prices I'd like to get that 360w seasonic PSU. is the 6400k enough, too much, just right? I want the baseline build to be a smooth experience, pretty sure I can go lower but I want to hear what you guys think. I opted for the 99$asrock itx board that has VGA/HDMI/dvi and 6+2 power phase over the 4+2 one with only VGA/HDMI, nut it does have wifi, that is some that I can add in later via USB or PCI-E while the DVI was not, should I go with the wifi one instead, I really do not like MSI or GIGABYTE, and would much rather use ASUS but boards are currently limited. possible Ala cart items are wifi/Bluetooth adapters, Bluetooth KB and mouse, remotes, capture cards, sounds cards, bluray drives additional storage, cooling, and ram/CPU depending on needs, and possibly cases
sorry for formatting, mobile