So i asked before which is a good language to learn, was given a wide array of answers and i did a few languages, had a play with a few and i didnt like them as much as HTML, CSS etc due to the fact i can make web pages look nice :)
So i decided to go to HTML5 and CSS3 just for more looks, but i ask today, is there anywhere good for practical examples, like with C++ you can get sites that give an objective, such as create a calculator etc, is there anything like this for HTML, CSS?
ive been using some tutorial sites such as w3schools, and some premade examples, copying them out and then commenting on them to allow for future ref.
So please post any sites you know, i cant find anything atm, would just like to put my skills to the test :)
Sites like tutsplus offer tons of cool tutorials on techniques. Go find vendors of products you like with websites that suck and try to re-write them better.
When you really want to get thrown for a loop go get a book and work no learning hacks necessary to make IE into something that can be considered a web browser.
Ignore/avoid w3schools whenever possible, there are times when information is incorrect and they are in no way affiliated with the w3c, just took the name for higher rankings. They are very commonly frowned upon by the Front-end Community. has the specific syntax that is used for most browser support for the css3, while has the browser support for html5 and css3 properties.
For information and examples of other peoples code, i would go through and just look at examples of code you like, from there you could even edit it and play with it to see how well it works, and you can even start playing with some preprocessors like the sass and scss syntax for your css, or haml and slim for your html.
css-tricks is always a good place to go, always lots of helpful information on there, he also has lots of videos you can follow along with to get more practice.
Alistapart has tons of information on these subjects as well.
Best place to learn anything though, is to just do it. Download WAMP or MAMP or LAMP(you should be able to install popular CMS's on any of these) and from there you can setup a home server on your pc that you can just start building in. Then, when you run into something you are unsure of, just google it and you will probably find an answer.