This is kinda a noob question, but I am building a website and in one page I use a button to show/ hide some of the items on the page, like when I select projects it only shows the containers with the projects class, this code here:
$('#filter-buttons a').click(function(){
// select current
var $optionSet = $(this).parents('#filter-buttons');
var selector = $(this).attr('data-filter');
$container.isotope({ filter: selector });
return false;
But I want to have links to this page like ...portfolio.html?projects, ...portfolio.html?illustrations, ...... that when you load it loads with the URL it loads with the specific filter selected.
You would have to make portfolio.html a php file. You would take the variables as GET variables through portfolio.php, and use them as such:
if (ISSET($_GET['projects'])){
} else if (ISSET($_GET['illustrations'])){
} // etc, etc
and inside that block you would perform the same class toggle in your .click() function, but instead your selector/function would be:
$('#filter-buttons a.projects').each(function(){});
Hope that makes sense, good luck!
(ps. just to shorten your code, all you actually have to do in each block is assign the selector to a variable and after the entire block, if the variable is not empty you can run the JS using that var so your class toggle js won't be repeated)