I apologise in advance if this isn’t the right section, but with it being hardware I assume it is.
Right, I have a HP Elitedesk 800 G4 with a i5 8500 CPU. However it started to give me 3 red 5 white beep/flashes which indicates No CPU Detected. I took out the CPU & put in a spare i3 9100TE just to test & it worked, so I put back in the i5 8500 & it worked, so I assumed just a bug or maybe muck on the pins. Anyways, it’s been set up to run a Minecraft server & its set to shutdown at 2am & boot back up at 9:30am every day. Now, I woke up the other day about 4am & it was flashing red 3x white 5x again, but I left it & went back to bed. Woke up at 10am & noticed it was on running normally. Now the thing is, when its flashing 3/5 No CPU detected, I cant manually boot the system pressing the power button. Even if I unplug mains power, back in it immediately beeps 3/5 again. But it will boot from bios set wake up timer & runs perfectly fine after.
So why does it keep giving me No CPU Error when switched off & prevents me from turning it on, but will power on normally set by the bios? And its not crashed & turned off at all once on either.
I shall look forward to your thoughts on this, because I’m lost.
Yeah, just as we speak done an update same version to rule out issues & just installed HP Diagnostics UEFI & now running an extensive hardware test that says will take a few hours.
But if the board was dying, wouldn’t it error whilst the system is on? because it’s on for 16 & half hours every day constantly no crashing or anything, even when running cinibench maxing out the CPU, nothing. Only happens once the system is powered off.
Could be simply the cmos batter that’s dead considering that pc first release date was back in 2018. And the fact that it happens when the system is off leads me to this conclusion.
Well I suspect it could be the battery as stated as I’ve just completed a full extensive test on everything, ram, NVME, CPU & mainboard that passed. So I will pop a new battery in & see what happens. But if it turns out its the battery, I’m going to slap myself because I’ve been trying to figure this out for days lol.
Oh my god… it was the battery. I never thought to check because bios saved all settings when power was removed. But testing the battery, it was on like 30% juice. Popped in a new one, set bios settings back up again & powered off shortly after my last msg & so far no 3/5 error.
I never knew a low powered cmos battery could do this. I’ve had many HP Elitedesk machines over the years & & still got many more as well & not once has this ever happened because of a dying cmos battery, so tyvm