Got this monitor for about 86NZD (yep), monitor starts showing this red tint that most people would refer it to the monitor cable damaged or not plugged in properly in both ends. Had factory reset it, no luck. Played with the colour settings, one profile fixed it slightly but the tint still shows up. And it wouldn't be the GPU as its working perfectly. Even when nothing is plugged into the monitor, there is the red tint still. So I might suspect that something is failing inside the unit.
I also have plugged it to different machines from the hackintosh to the Mac Mini G4, the Windows PC and even my Ouya, just in case if the DVI inputs are faulty. No difference here. Any LCD experts here who can specify the failing part and if it's repairable? It was a $3000 monitor, so want to save it if I can and if it's possible I might give up on repairing the PS3 that I have it in pieces for more than a year.