How would I go about connecting this drive internally? (pics inside)

Hey folks, 

I've been trying very hard for past month to fix my external drive and I've got to the point, when it needs to be connected through SATA rather than USB3.0. I can't really recognize these pins:

EDIT: Solved. Fortunately, RMA was one year longer than I thought and I got replacement.


This is something I have seen with WD and I believe Seagate, where they make a custom board for the hard drive with a direct USB3 connector instead of SATA. I have looked several times in the past and never been able to find a way to connect it to SATA. The best I found was a USB 3.0 card with internal USB ports and used one of those to connect it.

And have it worked correctly? Because the program I'm using to fix the drive is demanding an internal connection, so I would hope this works. But thanks, I'll try to find that damn thing around here and also contact a service center about estimated repair costs in case it needed that (out of warranty, out of luck).

It wouldn't be seen as an internal drive, it would still be USB. As far as I have been able to find, there is no way to make it an internal drive

pretty sure you might be able to do so with some registry hacks

If you have a usb 3.0 header on the motherboard (desktop) you could buy one of these:


and hide the adapter inside a 3.5" bay then install a short usb 3.0 caqble inside the case. (I have done this for clients weith no front usb 3.0 front headers on the case)

If you have a usb 3.0 header on the motherboard (desktop) you could buy one of these:


and hide the adapter inside a 3.5" bay then install a short usb 3.0 caqble inside the case. (I have done this for clients weith no front usb 3.0 front headers on the case)

hey, bad luck, it has a direct usb3 controller, I don't know what is your problem, but try connecting it with a micro usb2 cable and see if it works, because I had this problem with my hard drive that would disconnect randomly while in usb3, using a new cable fixed it.

also, could you explain what are you trying to do with it (backup, formatting, whatever...) ?

It's already backed up and formatted. Now I'm rebuilding all sectors using HDD Regenerator, but the process would stop after certain amount of time due to drive disconnecting. It would prompt me afterwards to connect it as internal so it could continue. 

I guess I really need to turn it in for a repair after all :(