--first this might be posted in the wrong section of the forums--
So i just watched the new tek(0168), and saw the fcc new standard for broadband is now 25/3 and i just had a few questions...
1. Why only 3 up? while this will be a blessing coming from my 1 up still pretty low for 2015 but better than it was
2. if i am receiving a 16/1 plan from my isp this is now an outdated plan right? and if it is do they have to upgrade me?
Also, does it make sense for a 100/50 fiber plan cost 2500/m?
This is a great question. I think so anyway!
1. I don't have a direct answer here, but I suspect it's about the FCC not having the courage to make more than small steps.
2. Probably not. I don't know for sure, BUT I don't think so. I suspect that they could simply stop calling your plan "broadband." Not all internet service needs to be broadband.
2a. Do you actually get those speeds?
3. No. Google Fiber's the one to look to for fair pricing right now, and they're charging $70/month for a symmetric 1Gb/s connection.