Hey Tek Forums,
I'm trying to get an estimate on how well the follwing rig i've made will run games
Im hoping to get 40- 60 frames running 720p at 1366x768 resolution on my 32'' tv screen
I would be playing games like minecraft, Gta 4/5 if they release it, BF3, FSX, DayZ
I cant find quality benchmarks with this processor and gpu combo.
Heres the build, and i just wanna know real experience if people actually have this CPU or CPU combo
7850 runs games just fine in 1080p, 768p will be a breeze.
You might want to save some money getting an FX-8320 instead of 8350.
I can benchmark some things for you because I'm running pretty much the same build (see in profile).
They will run pretty well, but for this kind of money you can do so much better: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/18P4w
In this build you even have a GTX 660 ti. I took slower memory, because this 2133 RAM won't benefit you much at all.
So an fx 8320 will run a 7850 without bottleneck right? i guess thats the reason i opted for an fx 8350. but yeah i mean as far as games. i want to play most if not every modern game above 30 fps (playable framerate) so im not asking it to run crysis or metro, but like bf3 day z etc similar games to that.
Thanks for you help
didnt think the ram would matter much either but the mobo id like to stick to a 990 if in the future i want to overclock. and is the gtx 660 ti better than a 7850 or on par with it.
I run a FX 6100 with a HD7850 2gb @ full 1080p no problems i'd get a FX 6300 with a Asus M5A97 R2.0 ATX AM3+ Motherboard and fit in a nice ASUS 1080p monitor with your saveings it's going to look 100 time's better than useing a 720p TV
Click my name for my pc spec's
So an fx 8320 will run a 7850 without bottleneck right?
Actually, a lot weaker CPU can do it. You might want to consider getting an FX-6300 to save even more money if you only need games.
but yeah i mean as far as games. i want to play most if not every modern game above 30 fps (playable framerate) so im not asking it to run crysis or metro, but like bf3 day z etc similar games to that.
I just finished playing Metro Last Light in 1080p with Normal preset. With your TV resolution you are going to be able to run absolutely everything on at least high with 60 FPS.