How well does the GTX 860M work with SUSE?

I should have a Lenovo Y50 with an i7 4710HQ and GTX 860M soon. I wish it had an R9 295M or something but I'm going to work with what I can afford. How well does the 860M work with Linux? Have the drivers changed since Torvalda gave Nvidia the finger?

Nothing has changed with nVidia in linux since summer 2012.

So if you want acceptable performance for graphics intensive applications, you'll have to install the proprietary nvidia drivers and taint your kernel, but that should work pretty well.

If you're going to use Tumbleweed though, you're probably going to experience issues with every kernel update, because the binary blobs are not patched for the new kernel yet. So I would recommend staying on the stable repos when using nVidia with proprietary graphics.

The nouveau driver will give you the safest and most stable experience, but the performance is really bad, you'll probably get better performance out of the iGPU than out of the 860m using nouveau.

        ..."How well does the GTX 860M work with SUSE?"

It works perfectly fine.

With all the Nvidia hate on this forum, don't be suprised if some randoms tell you that you'll have problems.

Just keep in mind that the kind of people who discourage you are simply "armchair experts" who don't have the faintest idea of what they're talking about, and usually just reference shit they heard about from a misinformed zealot, or fanboi, who read some shit and believe it. 

Not everyone can be a IT guru, although they can pretend to be which is why I sometimes mention the "Dunning Kruger" effect which goes on in this forum all the fucking time.

"individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than is accurate."

       ..."Nothing has changed with nVidia in linux since summer 2012."


It works fine my MSI laptop uses a 860m and runs OpenSuse.

You will have to install bumblebee:

You will have to add this script to steam games to get them to use the NVIDIA card:

This applies to almost all distros

Edit: Don't really see the whole point of distro and GPU flaming, when all he wanted was a simple answer.

Well, even Linus himself (Torvalds, not the obnoxious one) admitted, that Nvidia is getting better. I use both AMD and Nvidia and had problems with both :D Anyway, if you go with their official proprietary drivers, and you don't have Optimus you should be fine. If you do use hybrid graphics, it might cause a few problems. In that case, I can offer you my help.

I missed the opportunity of getting one, and truth be told, despite my X99 build im working on, I got an FX 6300 and a motherboard for it. The seller was hijacked apparently.

Now this is funny, and very unhelpful and besides the point lolz...


Where do you see distro or GPU flaming? All I see was third venting some personal issues that have nothing to do with the OP's question, but not against a particular distro or GPU.

When you post fanboi shite, such as; "Nothing has changed with nVidia in linux since summer 2012."

Do you expect people to agree with you, or laugh?

Honestly, your hardware/software bashing doesn't help anyone.

bleh - redacted.

I had a comment that was too offensive as we're not on the LKML.


I have a 650 ti that can't handle L4D 2 maxed out even on Bumblebee. My 7870 can max out L4D 2 with a high frame rate. Yes, the 7870 is a little more powerful, but seriously? I trued them both today, and just as I said the seller was hijacked anyway. As for Zoltan bashing (pun intended), it's only truth that while Nvidia made have the upper hand in Android, absolutely nothing has been done for optimus and the like. I understand people are biased, but its fact... On Linux AMD us still better as my tests have shown. And with the crap Nvidia pulled on the 970s Vram, Zoltan can bash them all he wants. I appreciate everyones input, but once again, my benches prove otherwise.

I appreciate constructive critism. It's how I learn. I conducted benches between the 650 ti and the 7870, the 7870 nearly doubled in terms of the 650s performance.

I would of expected as much especially at higher resolutions because a GTX650 is similar to a 7750/70, not a 7850/70.

Anyway the GTX980 is still the best consumer grade card on linux as far as performance goes with just about everything.

Does that make Nvidia king? No.

Do people give a shit? No.