How to work as an IT / Support Contractor?

This week I got a ping back from an application I filled out as a joke while drunk. Its an IBM support staff contract for 21 per hour with no benefits. Thats near double what I make and holy fuck would that be amazing to have on my resume.

The no benefits part is what has me hooked up on a coat rack though. If it was 15, or even 12, with at least medical benefits I’d be hot to trot on this. But… Well, I’m still working at a plastics factory if you want a scope.

So, how would I work in this sorta field? How would I do insurance? How would I pick up new contracts?

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Wtf is an it support contractor?

But as far as insurance you can buy your own.

Do your homework for insurance. Get the one that covers most of coverage for name brand prescriptions. There are some prescriptions out there were the name brand is better then the generic. Also look for the best surgery cost coverage and stuff like that.

And get the one that offers the lowest deductible.

Also buy dental insurance. Dental work is expensive as fuck. Where I’m at, it’s like 1k for one basic tooth crown. With insurance it is a couple of hundred bucks a tooth.


As in, I work as a contract for IBM at a business because they’re too lazy to send people. Or something.

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In that case, eventually you should see if they can send you to an overseas office to work. Would t that be cool?

I guess?

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By contractor, I thought they meant that they wanted you going out and selling yourself as an I fix it guy.

Basically yes, actually, except in an office building.

I already said no. But I’ll think about future stuff.

But you love IBM?

I do, but its a pain in the ass for me to do insurance as it is already. I’d be making less than I am now with having to buy insurance.

Maybe the resume part was worth it?

Eh. I need the benefits I have now.

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Just don’t get sick.

I’m only joking. Med insurance is important to have.

The last time I got sick I almost died so uh.

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Having IBM on your resume would be huge. Even if it is just for a helpdesk type job.

That’s a big ass well known company.

No duh…

Ugh now I’m regretting it. But I can’t risk shit like that especially when I’m in a super secure spot as it is.

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Where did you say you work? I think its at a factory.

Yeah I make plumbing accessories. j-hooks, compression flanges, the like.

Its honestly miserable but money is money.

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Thinking about this today, asking people on the JB telegram and such… Should I have just bitten the bullet and done a year without insurance? Did I fuck myself by not having the name “IBM” on my resume?

Personally I think you goofed.
But that’s just me.

What would happen if you told them you reconsidered? :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:

But by just having IBM on your resume might not make you the more desired candidate if you look for other jobs. Some people don’t care about that shit.

If someone from MIT and some one from a community college apply somewhere, the person from the CC might get the job over the MIT guy. It all just depends.