How to use two pysical connections

Sorry if i put this in the wrong forum feel free to change it if necessary. I need to use two physical connections on windows xp professional. The situation is i have two different connections i need to use.

1.)A internet connection with my wifi adapter

2.)A Ethernet connection to my very tiny home server.

Does anybody have any ideas on how to do this.

Thanks in advance

Explain what you mean when you say taht you need to use both of them? Do you want to load the same thing from both of them simultaneously, like a torrent (ie utilize all bandwidth)? Do you want to use two different applications for them (like gaming on one and downloading on the other)? Is this from the same network (ie connected via wifi to the same router that you are hardwired into)?


My immediate reaction is to use two different computers simultaneously and then split up whatever you need to get done in order to most effectively utilize teh bandwidth available.

I need to have two separate connections.

1.) needs to be connected with ethernet to my very tiny home server. It does not need a internet connection. 

2.)The other one is needs to be connected to wifi for a internet connection for browsing the web,gaming,etc

I think i understand what you want to do. You want to know if you can connect 1 pc to the internet via wifi, while being on a network with your home server, via Ethernet. Just "bridge " the two connections under Network Connections in Windows. Then the two networks the wireless one and the wired one will communicate with each other.

Ok thanks for your help it worked

Edit your original post's title to say [SOLVED] so everyone knows.

Glad I could help. Glad it is working for you. =)