How to use the terminal to launch the gui

I have jumped into Linux some time ago and I have learned some things...
Now I am having a hard time starting a Linux machine of my friend.
I have tried the installation a couple of times and I always had the same result:
Once I clicked the option "use proprietary, tested driver with updates" and restart the machine I get dumped into some terminal. Probably there is an other reason, but I think its that.
Can I disable the driver (go back to the standard driver) and start the gui again?
Thank you in advance.

You could try to manually launch the xserver with the command 'startx'

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ctrl + alt + shift + f7

Might work.

Thats not right. From the TTY(which is what there in) Ctrl+F7 (or 1 on systemd system). or Ctrl+Alt+F7 (or 1)

But that wont work as the graphics drivers arent functioning.

Login from the terminal and run cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE that will show you the error. Its likely the wrong drivers.

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Thanks for the suggestions. I was able to try it today, but I didn't get anything off it. The reason is simple: I tried "grep EE" and cat/var/ log.... seperate. I'll try again ASAP. I am pretty shure that it is the graphics driver trhough. I have installed the proprietary driver and restarted. Ever since then the problem exists. Instead of just doing a fresh install (which would be a million times easier) I hope that I can learn something off of that.
Thanks to both of you for the help.
Edit: all three...

So I tried it.
The problem is that the system is telling me that the permission is denied.
(on cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE and cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log ).
If I do sudo cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE (and cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log ) it does not know the command.
I also tried to "start cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE (and cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log), but that leads to " no such file directory" if I am not mistaken.
Any help for a noob to make it work?
P.S. startx refers me to the same cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log


will launch the GUI through the terminal

EDIT: just saw you tried that

IF you get permission is denied then you need to run the command as root. Type

sudo insert command here

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@Dynamic_Gravity is correct. prefix the command with sudo or become root first su or sudo su

I just told my friend to try that out.
He sent my the screen and I guess its what you wanted.


What AMD graphics card is it? and what do you need the proprietary drivers for?

I ask becuase the radeon (open source driver) is quite good and most of the time you dont need the fglrx driver.

To get a working computer again (with the open drivers) try the following

sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx*
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati

Then give us a little more info and we should know if you really need teh fglrx drivers, theres instructions on ubuntus wiki for them

There is no AMD graphics card in that system. It is using an A10 5800k.
The proprietary drivers are used for steam. Wendell said that steam would not work without the proprietary driver.
I have not tested that in this particular case, but my own Linux Machine did not start steam without the driver.
I'll see what the open source driver can do and the command tells me.
Can you tell me (as one with very little knowledge about Software) what the commands actually do?
I'd like to know, 'cause I'm interested. the remove and install will remove the wrong driver and install the right one.
But where have you been able to read that in the picture?
And what is the command I used to display the errors?
Thanks a lot.

If theres no AMD card in the system, what graphics card is in the system?

The reason I assumed that was because of the error, the 'fglrx' it mentioned is the AMD propitiatory graphics driver.

normally the propitiatory drivers are better, but in the case of AMD, the open source drivers (especially with the upcoming mesa release) have full OpenGL 4.1 support and actually work very well. I use them and they work with 90% of my Linux steam games.

The commands I showed are whats used to uninstall and install software. Ubuntu is a Debian based distro wich uses apt for package managetment. apt-get lets you install and remove packages. Its normally easier to use on the command line, especialy for working with other (like this topic)

sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx*

This removes any package that starts with fglrx

sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati

This isntalls the AMD open source drivers

cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE

the command cat concatonates files and prints the output, if you quickly need to dump the conents of a file cat <file> will do that.

in this case we printed the contents of Xorg.0.log (which Xorg puts logs)

the | is the pipe command, this says take the output of the left and put it into the right command

The last command grep is a powerful text searching type tool which will print a line that matches teh paramiters you give. In ths case we know that Xorg prints errors to the log and prefixes them with 'EE' so searching it for any instances of EE will show all the lines that were errors.

In this case it showed errors with fglrx and no screen found. Generally this is a drivers of configuration error.

You can try to see if theres a backup of your config file and restore it ... To do so would be something similar to the following:

  1. cd to /var/X11.
  2. Rename xorg.conf-backup-YYMMDDHHMMSS (or whatever format it would be in if the file exists) to xorg.conf.
  3. Reboot.

If you have a backup file, and are able to navigate to it and do this, it should restore your back to it's previous state.

The iGPU on that APU is HD 7660D I believe.

Once you've got the proper drivers installed, you can start the graphical display manager with:

sudo service gdm start

sudo runs a command with administrative privileges, the rest I'm guessing you can work out :)

The test is still "to be done", but I think that it will work.
Thank you all so much for the help and the good explanaition.
@Eden (if that is the right way to hail people) you look like a big Linux expert, mind if I ask an other thing?
It is about permissions on my NAS.

I forgot to mention this:
The GPU is on the CPU, so there is no graphic card. Also the reason why I tried to use the proprietary driver, because Wendell told me to do so in the install video (which is basicly the only education I got on Linux) and in the tests with the NVidia GTX 560ti steam would not start at all. That's why I installed the driver. The only thing that this PC will do interms of gaming is probably steam in home streaming. The 5800k is not nearly strong enough for most games, especially if you have a Fury X sitting around a few meters behind you...
Sayonara, and thank you again.

Eden phases into existence

What is the thing you wish to ask? I'm sure if I don't know the answer someone else will.

It is about setting up a NAS with multiple users and make it available through Samba and FTP or SSH.
I'm just kinda stuck with the permission stuff. I can get into the folders in the NAS, but I cannot log in as the wanted user.
I'll make a new topic and we'll see about the result.