How to triple Screen with my hardware?

Hey guys,

i never used 2 screens and now i want to try it.

First of all: I got 2 PC's which both should run with 3 identical screens.

The first PC is my LowPowerConsumption PC and the second my gaming maschine.

To pc 1:

Motherboard Asrock Q1900M with intel hd graphic (IGP) with one HDMI, VGA and DVI-D output

GPU: Sapphire Radeon HD 5450, 1GB DDR3, 2x DVI, lite retail (11166-51-20G) with 2 DVI outputs.

To pc 2:

GPU: Radeon 7870 with one HDMI, 1 DVI and 2 mini Displayports.

The screens: 3 LG 24M45 1920 x 1080 with one VGA and one HDMI input.

To my question:

I want to buy 3 HDMI switches and connect the output to each screen. The 6 inputs are connected to the 2 pc's (for ecample every left one to the pc1 and every right one to the pc2) so i can switch between the two pc's as the input for the screens.

With this setup:

Leftest screen is screen 1 middle screen 2 and the right screen 3.

screen 1:

  • pc 1:Hama HDMI/DVI-D Adapter (in the Radeon DVI)
  • pc 2: sapphire MINI-DP TO SL DVI-D (ACTIVE) + Hama HDMI/DVI-D Adapter (in one mini Displayport)

screen 2:

  • pc 1: Hama HDMI/DVI-D Adapter (in the Radeon DVI)
  • pc 2: HDMI cable

screen 3:

  • pc 1: HDMI cable in the onboard GPU
  • pc 2: DELL 470-13629 Mini displayport/HDMI adapter (passive) in the other mini dp-port

Anybody got experience with that? Will this work (fine)?

Thank you in advance für the answers guys.

