Like how the title says, how do I throttle someone’s internet, preferably not needing to use the person computer. The last one of these I put up it was taken for it being possible hacking, but I don’t blame them for thinking so.
I can't exactly, I'm doing this to help out a friend, he has like 5 megabit down and his mom watches netflix, it will cause his internet to crash, so he wants it to be throttled.
Depends on the router. If you can install custom firmware like Tomato or DD-WRT, then I can tell you exactly how to do it. Otherwise, you'll specify your router model.
So what is the goal here? You want to choke someone's bandwidth who is illegally/legally accessing your network? I'm assuming you want to only target this user and not the entire network, right?
If that Netgear "router" is running the stock firmware it probably doesn't have the options to be able to do the type of throttling that you are wanting. If you've never done any type of installing third-party firmware on a consumer based router you're in for a good experience, as long as you don't brick it. You'll probably want some help or if you're brave just google how to do it properly, but your router has to support it. For a first timer I would say Tomato is the easiest option. There are lots of videos on youtube that are a good start for several different third party firmwares.
I was looking through the manual and the only option is to either setup QoS or a universal upload limit on all devices. QoS is pretty flaky on most Netgear routers I've used though. I think he can install Tomato, depending on the version number.
I'd be careful with Tomato though, as it isn't his router. Not sure how his friend's parents would feel about him bricking the router. If it is bricked, it usually can be recovered though.
With that router, your only options are to setup QoS, or to set a universal upload limit. Neither of those things are what you are looking for. To setup QoS, you'd have to go into the advanced tab, and click on setup. Under setup there should be an option to setup QoS. Use the mac address of the computer you are trying to throttle and set the priority to low.