How to take paint off a metal surface?

I am currently researching... I want to ask how to remove paint from metal surface, specifically grill...
I know sand paper can do the job. Here is the thing - I want to be able to also remove the paint from inside the grill's holes.
Repainting it later will add extra layer and close the holes, reducing the air, that can go through there...
Let's just call it as is, I want to turn this:

Into this:

Without the window mid, obviously... I am not that good.
So should I worry about killing the airflow by adding extra layer of paint on the grill, and by extension, is there an easy way to remove the paint from the grill?

sand paper or a sand blaster would do the job pretty well. But honestly, if you just want to change the colour you would probably be better off just buying a can or two of spray paint. I doubt it would block the air flow much.

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Oh thus is exactly my plan... I just think it would be better to remove the old paint before applying the new one.
I am willing to accept the fact, that it would not matter and I am overthinking it, but I better ask first.

The layer should be so thin it shouldn't fill the gaps. How large are the holes in the grill? You could try it on a small corner, If it fills then you only have a small corner to fix which you would need to sand anyway

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Well, I wouldn't say they are small...

I wouldn't say they are large either...
I'll try and do a thin layer paint, so I hope it will not do anything bad...
That still leaves the question, how to remove the paint inside the holes if the need be?

Aircraft stripper and a wire brush if you want it bare metal with little to no elbow grease...

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Several options:
DryIce blasting
Wirebrushing (maybe drill powered?)

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OK, sandblasting isn't something I could do from home with home made materials... Or am I understanding sandblasting wrong?
Also, the main issue is talking the paint out of the holes. I could easily just use a philips head screwdriver or something, but that would require me sticking it each hole... Now I think sand paper and wire brush will take off the paint, but I don't know if it will take it out the holes...

So there is a chemical option... Interesting...

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My advice would be to just spray paint it over the black. Don't go through the trouble of paint removal if you don't have to. Whether it turns out good really depends on the type and quality of paint. I think the holes are big enough.

Sanding the surface and then "screwdriving" the holes might leave you with sharp edges. Paint (especially on metal) doesn't like sticking to sharp edges. Surface tension has a tendency to move it away which leaves you with a poorly coated edge. How much it doesn't like sharp edges depends on the type of paint and viscosity.

The bottom picture illustrates how paint behaves around edges.

For painting metallic parts, sharp edges are usually ground down to a chamfer or fillet. On bare metal before applying the color, a primer is also (usually) needed.

What ever you decide to do, make sure you CLEAN the thing you're painting. Degreaser is a must!
Do wear gloves when doing this if you're using something like Antisil. And don't touch it with bare hands after degreasing.

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Yeah, the basics...

Everyone i have asked have told me the same... I just wanted to make sure.
OK, once the weather improves i will have to start "project snow black"...
The case and the graphics card... And maybe the Noctua... IDK... For now only the case...

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The #1 thing to remember when case modding...

The auto parts store is your friend.

Not only is auto paint what you want to use on metal, it's available in millions of colors.
Tip: Use the clear coat meant for wheels, it's thicker, stronger and glossier.

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Wha... why? Isn't mat better? I mean i don't know, so i am asking, but... We are talking about the front and roof, and a lot of dust. Well, not a lot of dust, but dust. Isn't it better to be mat?

It doesn't matte r.
I was just speaking in general about the best way to PROTECT your painted finish. The wheel paint is super tough and chip resistant. It's also twice as expensive.

If you want a matte appearance, get matte clear coat.

Your mileage may vary.

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Yeah, the spray can i was looking at was 3 Euro... I can spare 6 if it will be better...


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Just be aware that auto paint should be clear coated. It's easy to scratch if you skip that step.

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So extra money for paint and extra money for coating on top...
I may be better off just spray painting the grill with the 3 Euro can and if i need be - repeat in a couple of years...


Acid dipping would work but fine parts like a grill I'm not sure....Acid dipping from what I know is car parts with metal to waste.

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No... I rather not meddle with that.