How to survive Dayz

I'm sure there a millions post like this, but I've been addicted to Dayz lately so I figure I'll make one of these.  I can't really call this a survival guide of the fact I die SO DAMN MUCH!  lol  That's kinda what makes Dayz great though.  The decision you make decides your fate. 

Anyways there are a few main Rules I go by while playing Dayz to extend the amount of time I stay alive.


Rule #1-  This is a obvious one, stay stealthy don't get impatient and run through any towns or open fields, your giving those snipers an easy shot, Especially in highly populated town/cities(Cherno, Elektro).

Rule #2- While in any heavy looted area's like Cherno, Elektro or any of the airports, assume everyone is hostile.  Most players in these area's will kill on sight, some will go to these places just to kill freshly spawn players or get better loot off of player in the area. 

Rule #3-  Try to makes friends but careful with who you trust.  Always try to have the tactical advantage when trying to find friends in game.  For the most part  when you give someone trust they usually won't turn on you.  Normally the ones that will turn on you normally do act weird.  Normally best thing to do is play with friends you know in real life.

Rule# 4-  Safest place to stay is in the woods for obvious reasons.  Never loot one area to long, you stay in one area to long you most likely will eventually run into a bandit.  You always have to assume any worthwhile looting area will always have bandits around.

Rule #5-  Always give your self mission to go on.  The game can get dull if you are just aimlessly running around.  Look for vehicles, better gear, medical supplies, anything that you may need.  The funnest times I had in Dayz were the times I had to make it to a destination without dying. 

Rule #6  Dayz is all about risk/reward ratio.  Don't risk getting killed over anything that isn't necessary for survival.  Don't run into any town that only produce low level loot, last thing you want is to aggro a bunch of zombies for a tin can.


Okay well it's not the best Survival guide, but if anyone has any better advice don't hesitate to share.:)