So I have a 4G LTE hotspot that I want to have repeated with my DD-WRT router, but I also want to have all connections to connect to a VPN. How would I go about this? How can I ensure that all connections connect to the router to ensure that they also connect to the VPN?
Please make a drawing of what you are trying to achieve.
I assume you are going for WDS off the first router ?
What do you mean by "but I also want to have all connections to connect to a VPN"?
they have a mobile hotspot that they want to connect to a wireless repeater that sends all traffic through a vpn.
In this case the task is 2 fold - make everything go throught the VPN, and repeat the wireless signal over.
In both cases very easy to do.
But how can I ensure that the traffic is flowing through the router, and not the hotspot?
you might be able to usb tether the hotspot to the router. or you could connect multiple devices to the router and see how many devices are connected to the phone.
I'll probably just pick up a router with USB support and do that, or setup a box that shares the connection with the router.