How to persuade my mum to let me get the one plus one

My mum is one of the best you can get how ever like most people over the age of 30 she isn't very good with technology and she has a lot of problems with the one plus one can one of you guys PLEASE answer them i only have 2 days

  1. she doesn't think the company is reputable as there are no adds and she has never heard of it
  2. you cant get it on contract over here in england
  3. she thinks it the cheaper alternative to an iphone 
  4. she doesn't understand how a company can do so well without an add campaign so she thinks it will go under
  5. she thinks the price is too low for the phone to be good.

if any of you guys on here could answer this it would be a masive help THANKS



show her the vid that they just did with the 1+1 camera

You don't really "need" it , but if you don't have a smartphone , and you have the money to burn ( I personally think spending over 250€ / 220 pounds is waaaay too mutch , but at 300 it's the best you can get .) you can convince her by showing the teksyndicate videos / showing online reviews .

But I personally bough a S3 for 200€, and a huauwey , and really you don't need a pro grade camera in your pocket ( -opinion- ) .

But yeah , the price is low and it's quite good , so if you have some money set aside , maybe propose to pay part of it ? Or tell her you can return it if you don't like it ? 

Doesn't matter if the company goes under , as cynaogen will still be updated even if the phone division crashes , or you could , if cynaogen goes down , just change to any other alternative .


EDIT : contract's are shit , look for a good plan , here I get unlimited phone / text + 50 or 500mb for 2,22€ or 5,69€ a month respectively .

Get a job buy it yourself. 

If your mother has already agreed to buying you a smartphone, I could help you convince her to consider the OnePlus One.  Send me a PM and I'll see if I can Skype you and your mom, or something like that, so I can demo the OnePlus One to her.


I also think that you view of people over 30 generaly being tech-noobs is blured by your age

at 14 i cant not even a paper round

Not the answer to everything , he is clearly young , if your mom has a say on your smartphone .