How to own your country's secret services!

Ok so where i'm from we had a former chief of the secret service write a book about his "time of service", and ofc the PET(secret service), went all gung ho about the book, soliciting anyone who even wrote even a line of it in a new article. And court ordered the publisher of the book, after it "unofficially" was released to be recalled, afterwards it sued a news paper for writing a few lines of nonsense of it in the news paper.
Being Europe, and freedom of speech and what not, all newspapers teamed together and one of the prominent news papers said ,,!,, you PET, and announced a litterally full release of the book the day after in their release of their news paper, and the secret service immediately just bowed down litterally(I imagine they weren't up for the shit storm that was comming, since they can only sue one entity at a time), now thats just gold right there, thats the power of freedom of speech vs. court retardation.

But where's the tutorial on how to own America's secret services?


I'd imagine it is somewhat the same, stop caring so much about your right to carry arms, and start caring about your right to express your selves verbally.
At the moment the US's biggest enemies is Russia, and your own corrupted politicians.


You might want to add to the story that PET did contact the publisher and asked to get a copy of the manuscript so they could have a read through and ensure that he (former chief) was not breaching the rules he agreed to when signing on with PET. The publisher refused this and thus PET saw no other option that to assume the worst.

I fail to see how that counts as going "all gung ho"

Actually it shows that a total of 99 book retailers, along with a newspaper, a radio station, AND a bunch of threats of what would happens IF you sold the product was given.
They contacted Scharf quite a while ago to ask for the permission to proofread the book. And the period in between this and them asking they did nothing zilch, nada. they could have requested by court to "proofread" the book during that time. It was nothing more than a ploy to try and expand their powers within the kingdom, kind to set a new standard of what they could get away with e.g. censorship with a seconds warning.
Whether or not Scharf neglected his NDA is between the PET, and him, not really my business, but they had loads of time to court order the book, they just wanted to censor the hell out of the newspapers and radio stations, luckily this being europe they gang together to protect the freedom of speech.
And even worse PET flat down gave up, and retracted their court order, they left the bill at the innocent book shops, who basically just wanted to sell books, and have nothing to do with politics.