How to OC an HD 7770?

So I've got a Sapphire HD 7770. GHz edition. It worked great for anything maxed at 720p/768p. However, I just upgraded my monitor to a 1080p one (the difference is fucking amazing) and my GPU can't quite keep up.

I've never OC'd anything before and I'm curious as to where would be a good starting point. It runs at a 1000MHz clock when BitMining (50Miner) and it's usually a 98% load, with a temp of 69C/156F after 10 minutes.

I'm just wondering how much of an OC is a 'safe' OC to start with. 100MHz? 50MHz? I'll be using MSI Afterburner to OC.

You want to keep the card under 80c ALWAYS when overclocking, and you will just have to toy around with it. Every gpu will overclock different. My reference 670 overclocks better than some premium 670s. It's a part of the silicon lottery. Start with 25mhz, and slowly increase unti your card crashes than work down. 

I have the XFX R7770 GHOST OC in my AMD rig, i run it at 1200mhz core and 1550mhz memory, i seem to have gotten lucky with the silicon i have as of late...

My GTX 480 is astonishingly fast, and OC's like a mutha....

That 7770 i have seems to get higher than many do, and this was without any bios tweaks or voltage control...


It all depends on the chip mate, some simply will not go much beyond stock, others will make your jaw drop...