How to make Windows 10 not Suck! ( As Bad ) :)

Need to update this thread some things are different after the anniversary uodate


k :) Not a problem just nuked my last install. About to go though everything again after this coming update.

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Why bother? Once you remove the spying and other suckage from Windows 10, M$ is just going to change/reenable/make it worse in a future update. Windows 10 is like trying to swim upstream; you'll get nowhere.

Some sanity in this thread is refreshing.

Seriously you guys. Microsoft is openly trying to datamine you all.. It's a closed sorce blob-based operating system. Last time I considered using win10 VM, I looked into how bad the telemetry was with someone else packet sniffing. It is freaking stupid amounts of traffic and data flow to microsoft servers even --after-- disabling everything there was to disable at that time.

Seriously consider linux. Vidya games are migrating to supporting it, Vulkan is looking great on it, and you won't have to worry about your OS spying on you.

43 of the top 100 best selling steam games are linux supporting. Professional editing tools are starting to support it.

Anyways. Good luck with your spywayre. :)

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This thread timing is on point. I got the free win10 update and then worked my way back to win7 only to see that i got win10 for free the second time and im so tired of setting windows up... so they have won, i surrender to win10 in all of its horrors.

but i would really like to tame it as much as possible without making it unstable.

im kinda sad that my CPU & GPU are not powerful enough to get the perf. going in a VM. win10 is a huge dick.

Yes, you can strip it down. Firewall that controls traffic both incoming and outgoing is all important.

There are times that I am tempted to reinstall for Windows. A few games like Rodina, GTA5, and maybe Space Engineers don't yet fully run in Linux. I desperately miss play Rodina. Windows really does do some stuff better than Linux. And that is great. But then I read a thread like this and back away slowly. If Microsoft went back to how they were during Windows 7 I might make the switch back.

Microsoft has also tainted the windows 7 updates. So if you're updating windows 7, you're also getting this crap.

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Before ? I start making fun of linux neckbeards not being able to quiet windows 10 down. You should stop :)

Sorry I'll shush. Wasn't trying to hijack any threads.

People can have their opinions. ? If you fanboy out , I will make fun of ya :) You need windows users to come here for help and realize there are other ways. I myself being one of those people not too long ago.

I can take it. If you don't have a sense of humour then what is the point.

I do expect better youtube comment trolling. I have sense of humor. I was starting to flashback to Tomshardware and being an amd user :slight_smile: At the end of the day ? Making the most of what is available is more important than any brand loyalty.