How to make an app

Can some one guide me in how to make an app for android or ios?


its not that simple.

first learn some java code

get an sdk

finally design a gui.

if you cant jail break or root a phone you wont even be able to use it. - learn that first 

i can say I the best at jailbreaking and rooting in my circle, I just got a nexus 5 because I was looking for something different, but im trying to take it to another level and learn how to make some apps

Well if you want to develop for iOS you have to buy a licence from apple so i'd recommend starting off with android because google only requires a comparativeley small fee to put an application on the play store, you can develop for free.

Furthermore iOS applications are developed on apples adaption of C called objective C while android uses a custom version of Java. Androids SDK is available here:

if i'm not mistaken it also includes a development emulator to test your application on devices that you don't own.

You'd be best off by learning java, there are lots of tutorials out there.




Although I love most of google's tech don't bother with their android emulator. It's terrible and slow. Either test on your device, or use this (the free version should get you by for now)

the only thing that bothers me about this is that when I try to follow tutorials they always say to start a new android project on eclipse, when there is no option to do so

You need to download the SDK from google to create android specific projects. More information on the download can be found here. Google has create a simple and easy to follow series of pages to learn from.