How to make aiming easier on a Basic Mouse

Sorry if this is already asked a lot if so thanks for the links.


I'm rockin a HP Mouse, have disabled mouse acceleration, but still sometimes have a hard time aiming, I play on a little bit below a middle sensitivity in most games. FPS's btw. And Want to know if there are any more things I can do to help tweak / overclock / help making aiming with this mouse easier. And I don't want to put my sensitivity on the lowest it can go, not a big fan of picking up and smacking down my mouse. 


Actually, you can overclock a mouse. I did it once, it was great untill i broke my usb port

here's some more info:

tips to not break my usb port ? ^_^ 

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I would just get a new mouse; a solid $30-50 mouse will last you quite some time, and avoid damaging your USB ports.

A friend / neighbor of mine used to come over to play Battlefield 3. He'd mostly play Team Death Match and he would dominate that shit. He's be at the top in pretty much every match. Back then I / he used a cheap ass $15 Gigabyte wireless mouse. Not a gaming mouse with an insanely high DPI, just a basic one. The point I'm trying to make is that mouse tweaks or expensive gaming mice are not gonna help if you're not that good to begin with. Just buy a cheap mouse. This is the one I had (I bought it on sale for $15, it's $20 now):

Here's a cheaper, wired variant:

many games have mouse sensitivity options for in-game, both normal (noscope/ running around) and aiming, i have it set pretty high for normal and slightly blow medium for aiming

though i don't know if all games have this

For some reason that mouse looks really tempting , I was thinking about getting the zowie am which is about 60$ but for 15$ that one iiisssisisi getting to me

Don't be an idiot. I overclocked it to a 2000% faster response time