I using lancache at the moment to cache all HTTP traffic but I’m looking to cache HTTPS as well… What do I need to change on Lancache to allow that to happen… Making a CA Certificate, deleting sniproxy… Whats next? Please help… I know the security risks… Thanks in advance.
Would require changes on all endpoints. Why are you trying to do this in the first place?
Caching of downloaded files like common files that people need to download before they can setup like “steam setup.exe” or any other files popular launchers, etc.
Assuming you’re somewhat at least conceptually familiar with Diffie-Hellman and SNI ClientHello stuff and have used Wireshark in the past, see:
- https://wiki.squid-cache.org/Features/SslBump
- https://wiki.squid-cache.org/Features/SslPeekAndSplice
- https://dev.to/suntong/squid-proxy-and-ssl-interception-1oa4
- https://www.chromium.org/Home/chromium-security/education/tls#TOC-Certificate-Pinning
(… or let us know how you did it)
I would love to have some sort of Internet Cache Server that would actually cache everything
I find myself watching the same videos, reading the same stuff and downloading the same things quite often throughout a month. If I had a few TB of cache on my router, that would likely save a lot of bandwidth and increase speed.
I mean, I’m on unlimited fiber, but I still think about all the wasteful usage every once in a while.
But there doesn’t seem to be something like that, at best you can cache the text/layout/images. Videos seem to be out of the question, as are large downloads. Or maybe I haven’t looked close enough at the settings?
I am looking for something like this. Where my parents live, the only available internet is a metered connection, and so when there’s a lot of people the alloted download limit is reached fast.