How to learn a programming language well

There’s VIM integration for PyCharm. Install IdeaVIM from the plugin menu.

I strongly suggest to not drop PyCharm once you know python. I can see that learning a language without heavy IDE support makes sense, but PyCharm helps out a lot.

Okay that is great information to know did not think about that. May stay with the IDE for longer than expected, the idea behind switching is mostly to learn and gitgud at VIM.

Okay, more good information, may just learn VIM the normal way instead of diving in head first as an IDE replacement. I knew it would be hard to do, but did not think it would effect things that much, but now i see the issues especially as someone new to actually programming . I can see how PyCharm already helps after like 2 or 3 hours of playing with it i bet it does more than i currently think with things I do not know yet.

The issues I have had in the past with IDE’s may be a non-issue Where i felt like it was in my way this was both Netbeans and visual studio. It more than likely was user error where I did not know what setting to change to do what, to make it work how I wanted.

Opinions incoming

JetBrains stuff is actually well engineered and trying to be helpful :wink:
I could never stand IDEs, but even after touring all major text editors I can’t get away from IntelliJ & co.

The refactoring, integrated debugger and unit tests are particularly helpful. Make sure to use them. Still, after using IntelliJ, CLion and PyCharm I gotta say that PyCharm is actually the least helpful by far. One of the advantages of statically typed languages is that the IDE can better understand what’s going on and thus provide more help.

I like what I have used so far have had limited experience with them, I used intellij for java when I could my teacher wanted netbeans and the project files how they were made it easier for her to grade i guess i can understand. PyCharm feels nice so far will need to play with it more, but it seems to be what everyone likes to use for python.

Need to look up tutorial for PyCharm to make sure i understand what everything does if not knowing me i will play with it one day a destroy a project. And noted most of the jetbrain things I have seen good things about online. Jetbrains and atom i have seen lots of suggestion for.