How to Install Bspwm

Nope, still doesn't :/ I tried linking it too; no success.

did you install xinit?

sudo pacman -S xorg-xinit

And if you did, you need to copy it from your skel directory.

cp /etc/skel/.xinitrc ~/

i dont know, nvm. lol

Yeah. It just reinstalled it when I ran that command. No dice there.

I just installed this on my laptop running Manjaro. Bspwm loads fine but when I open a terminal X crashes. Also no panel loads.

I had this same problem. Let me try to remember how I fixed it.

Edit: post your .xinitrc


Fuck it I got a screenshot of the important stuff

I couldn't get the code tag thing to work


You made any progress on how you fixed it?

I put

xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/local

xset fp rehash

in my .xinitrc and it is working now.

But just like Phantom, I'm having the problem where windows cover the bar

I was going to tell you to add that if you didnt have it, haha. I'm at work, so I'm not the most responcive.

You need to edit your bspwmrc file (in .config/bspwm) and change the top margin to 18 pixels.

Would I use "bspc config top_padding 18"?

EDIT: that seemed to work :)

What's a good way to change your volume? I don't think you can put system tray things in Bar.

Is it possable to have Tint2 be fully transparent except for the system tray and place it over Bar?

I wouldn't know. I used XFCE4-Bar instead. It has widgets and stuff.

My BAR looks weird.. Do my colors look differant from the defaults? Look at the desktops and how they're highlighted

I believe that looks like default. Im not entirely sure, as I dont use Bar.

I was angry with gnome 3 so I killed it this morning and installed bspwm - It's not ready yet, still ugly and I really don't know how to use it, but that's the fun part you know! :)


How does one set up the .desktop (.bspwm) 

As you cant use xinitrc?

Minor typo: you're missing an L in baskervllile/xtitle.git

It worked great, but not for long :(. after reboot startx doesn't work anymore. it was a clean install btw. 

.xinitrc looked like this

# default crap from /etc/skel/.xinitrc

urxvt &

sxhkd &

exec bspwm

don't know if it's important but this is the log file. I reinstalled all my xorg packages, drivers, bspwm and sxhkd. I also tried awesome but that gave me the same result. xfce4 worked for some reason. after removing my .xinitrc file, startx gave me the standard screen with xterm and xclock.