I work in a data center that runs mariner on our servers,
I have recently run into an issue in which this newly reimaged system has this following error
“Kernel panic - not syncing: System is deadlocked on memory”
Unfortunately I have not seen this error before.
I have swapped out the systems CPU and all of its DIMMs with no luck.
The system is properly able to load the OS properly on its first boot after it was reimaged but if it is rebooted the issue starts happening non stop.
There have been x1 similar case in the past and the solution was to change the kernels memory allocation parameter.
Unfortunately I am not sure how this is done, and everyone is out for the holidays.
I do have a handful of servers that I would like to do this to and fix at home.
If you have had experience with this type of error do you know of a way to induce it and fix it?
Will root privileges be needed?