How to have a wired connection from 2 rooms away

Hi guys, this is my first post so excuse any errors.

I'm building my first gaming pc at the end of the year and don't want to have a wireless connection to my internet, but the trouble is I am two rooms away from my homes router. How will i be able to connect my pc/laptop to my router through a LAN connection. Running the cable through the roof is out of the question so my other thought would be to run it along the inside of the skirting boards, any other suggestions?

Thanks for your help! 

Step one; punch hole in wall.

Step two; punch another hole in the wall.

Step three; fasten RJ45 female outlets with Cat6a between them.


Powerline Adapter. 

It's like Ethernet, but through your home's electrical circuits.

I was running cables through the crawlspace under my house earlier today. Maybe that's an option?

Or you could look into powerline ethernet adapters.

I have tucked cables under the baseboards before. It works for the most part, just corners and doorways can be tricky. You have to make sure not to bend too tight a radius in the corners, or you'll risk damaging the wires.

That would be a great solution, the problem is... I have tiles haha, thanks for your input though!

I use TP Link Homeplugs. You just plug them into your wall sockets. I live in a big house where wireless isn't really an option (and is rubbish anyway) and these work great.

Oh, I have never heard of those, I just did some research and what not and found some. they look quite good, sorry for a stupid question here but in terms of Mbps should I go for a high number such as 500 or something lower like 200? I'm new to all this stuff.. sorry! Thanks for your reply!

Thanks for your reply! I have read some reviews and am looking deeper into getting some! On they have a great deal on 20 metre lan cables and what not so I may or may not pick one of those up as well as a powerline ethernet adapter

If you want cabling, dont bother buying it from a major supplier. Im assuming you live in aus because you linked pccasegear (who are the best supplier of computer parts here).

Just look on ebay and get 15 or 30m or 50m or however long you need from hong kong or china. The quality will be fine. Just search for Cat 5e cabling. (make sure its Cat 5e).

It shouldnt cost more than about $15.

just another quick question here; Do you notice any lag while gaming, while someone is on the phone? I'm watching Linus's video : right now and am wondering about lag and what not?

Higher is better. Try get atleast 500

Yea I am from Australia! haha, can i ask what difference between cat 5e and cat 6 is? this is my intended lan cable I would like to get.

Cannot recommend the Powerline adaptors enough, super simple and easy to use... never had speed restriction issues at all.

Athough I do prefer a wired connection myself, I used to run a 30m cable to my router at home, the cable cost me like £4 here in the UK, the only problem you have is how to hide it, but you can get those cable tidies with the nails on them. (These: Thats what I personally used.

I couldn't tell you for sure as I live in the English countryside and am not on cable broadband, so my internet is kind of slow by modern standards so any lag I experience is probably more down to that. That being said I've always found multiplayer to be fine so if you have a decent connection you should be okay.


Thanks for your reply Ben! the more i read the reviews about the powerline adapters the more I like them! 

might also look into picking up the cable tidies too!

That picture was found on Ebay, I think they cost like a couple dollars for 100 or so. Something that is definatly worth picking up,