Is there a program out there that runs on windows? I don't feel like downloading a linux distro.
I HOPE for testing your own wifi security, and nothing involving some black hatery....
Have one for WEP xD
There is no WEP in my COUGH COUGH apartment complex COUGH COUGH.
WPA is crackable but I've only really heard of it being done by professionals. Then again I've been out of it for a while.
Check out this thread maybe, haven't read it though.
you cant do it from windows unless you run a linux distro in vmware or another virtualisation app,but it wont see a lappy wifi card like that so you would have to use a dongle and the the distro being back track 5. easyer to d/l and burn an iso or bootable usb (with a usb you can save sessions so dont have to do irt all in one go
a detailed guide on how to crack wpa2/psk (but only those with protected set up buttons) can be found here
hope this helps
No you can do it on anything, including an iPhone! Get aircrack-ng. Run the script. Choose your target. And you are all good.
Hang on, there is more to this than just firing up aircrack-ng. The best way is to use a dedicated pentest distro like backtrack or fedora security spin and run it live. NEVER EVER pentest from your own personal install, unless you REALLY know what you're doing, because you have to run as root. In short, you have to do a few things, you have to configure your firewall with iptables for the job, you have to cloak your mac address, optimise for speed, get some really good libraries optimised for the region and potentially the ISP that supplied the AP you want to pentest. Whereas with WEP, you make the AP drop all connections and make them reauthenticate, you log the traffic and then analyse it for the WEP key, with WPA, you can't do the same, you basically have to brute force it, but there are libraries on the internet available for pentesting more efficiently depending on region and ISP (you know these ISP's that sell you their own router because it's safer and you pay extra just to be sure, well all the passwords they use are in libraries so you can specifically target such a router, because you can see what kind of router it is by the SSID basically. If you have the right library, it will take about 20 to 30 minutes to brute force a WPA key. If you have a real router/AP (e.g. one flashed with open source firmware like DD-WRT or the likes, or an enterprise grade router configured by a networking professional worthy of that titel), you won't get in anytime soon, because they will avoid passwords that are reprised in the libraries, and because they will only allow you to try 15 or so times in a short timeframe then block your false mac, so you have to reconfigure or script your pentest with variable macchanger entries and waitstates. Then there is the matter of countermeasures and network forensics, sometimes the AP will be configured as a honey trap, you think you can get in, but what happens is that your own machine is getting pwned...
Well, in order to crack wpa/2-psk you have to be able to capture the handshake at the packet level and take a dictionary or passwords against it (or bruteforce the wps pin) In order to capture the packets you have to have an OS that allows monitored mode for wifi, which windows doesn't. There are programs out there that change that but they are few and far between and it's a lot faster to just live boot a linux security distro.