How to get rid of a key-logger virus?

I think I have had this virus for quite a while now, I just can't seem to figure out how to get rid of it... I play a game called Realm of the Mad God, One day I got on and All my items were gone. (I'm not even sure if it's a keylogger or some other virus) I just really want it gone... I don't want to wipe my computer jsut because of one virus, if anyone knows a good way to get rid of it tell me please.


i'd format just to be on the safe side, a compromised system is never good


cleanse with fire!!!!!!

or follow Rinzler advice if you don't have a flame thrower.

What do you mean by, "format".

wipe your hard drive. Re-install OS and recover clean files through  backup drive. I'd do your research before you just wipe it...

Key-loggers, in a malicoicous sense, are worms; nonetheless, sometimes key loggers are seen as normally functioning programs by some types of software.


(For Windows)

The very first thing I would do would be to open task manager and go to the processes tab. Afterwards, scroll all the way down. You'll see "winlogon.exe." In fact, you wil see two of them, if your computer has a key logger running in the background. End the second one; remember, the second one. If you were to close both, or just the first, well, it won't be nice.

Finally, to make sure the key logger is dead, I suggest re-installing your OS after backing up your hard drive. Of course, this step may be unecsarry.