How to get other to convert to Linux?

Hey guys I am fairly new to Linux, I switched because I am studying computer science so I figured I should become familiar with Linux. How could I get people that are even somewhat devoted to windows to switch to Linux?

Show them how easy it is to use, that usually blows their minds.

Or how fast it is, especially if they're on some old junk computer.

Or just don't force it onto someone else, and let them use what they prefer.

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Show them a blog post on the spying in Windows 10. haha

In all seriousness I'd show them the different display managers and the level of customizability they could have. /r/unixporn on Reddit comes to mind. Some truly beautiful screenshots over there.

This is the best answer. Linux is great for me because I chose it, not because it was chosen for me.

Or just do absolutely nothing. Microsoft will die in due time.

I think the best way is to become as knowledgeable about the OS as possible. I recently started switching some of my techno-challenged friends to Linux but only after I was sure I could provide them support for any problem they might have.

Just make sure your past your honeymoon phase with Linux before you start recommending it to people. It's a great operating system but until you have sat with it for a while, drank a glass a wine with it, put on some Barry White and got to know it inside and out; I feel its irresponsible to recommend it to others.

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