How to get better search result for your site


I'm trying to make my site show up when searched , I want it to show up on the first Google search result, I added the keywords Patrick, Pronovost, pat, pro but I still can get a result, is there anything I can do to improve this?

Does your site have an SSL cert? That usually greatly helps search rankings.

Edit: Just saw your site. It's a googledrive folder! Use to get a static domain. It looks promising enough.

The address for gweb,io doesn't load the page images correctly, I have a registered domain name called is there a way to get a static page for that one?

and what is a static domain?

thanks for your help :)


You really need to validate your pages before you publish and index your content.

See HTML Validation and do the same for your css.

It would be better if you hosted your site from a server account suited to serving web pages.

Create a google webmaster account to manage your domain content with google.

Consider using some form of open source CMS like joomla, drupal or WP because that will help create pages that are compliant with current standards. It's probably over kill if you're only going to create a small personal site. You would also need proper hosting and sql support.

You can try joomla for free using their demo service as a test.

CMS systems help with the heavy lifting but you still need to have some knowledge of coding websites and SEO etc. WordPress is probably the easiest to use, Joomla is much more powerful as a platform, Drupal is powerful but requires a much greater understanding of coding to get the best from it. WP is probably the way to go for personal sites. It all depends on the time you're willing to commit to learning and what your end goal is.

You can also set-up a local test environment using some form of wamp or lamp stack. Most of them aren't ideal for allowing public access unless you know what you're doing. Some ISP's have clauses about hosting from your standard service. If you want to try a wamp stack Uniform Server is a good solution. If you use the portable install you can set it up on a USB stick which you can take with you if you know a developer that will give you some help. The Uniform Server project aims to keep upto date and secure enough for a live environment. You really need to have some knowledge about running public servers. You can use a dynamic DNS service to point to your server if you have a dynamic IP address.

Then you need to do some research into SEO etc. There are elements that search engines expect to see and they also expect the code to be standards compliment.

Page ranking and search engine algorithms require you to meet certain criteria and different elements carry different weightings. Keywords are no longer that useful in the quest for ranking.

Web development is a massive subject if you want to really get into it.

There are lots of good resources on the web which explain everything you need to know or get hold of a good book.

You could also take a look at MS Expression Web FREE version which will help you build static sites.

Dreamweaver is more widely used as a development tool FREE Trial.

Here's a selection of Open Source alternatives to DW > 8 Alternatives to Dreamweaver . If you invest time in any of them make sure it's an active project because web development is a moving target.

If you use Firefox install the Web Developer plugin and Firebug. Those tools will help you develop your pages. You can also examine other sites to see how they are constructed. Chrome has developer tools built in which do a similar job.

You will also need to do some cross browser testing because the browsers have different quirks in the way they parse site code, especially if they hit an error or lose semantics. 

Sorry if that all comes across as a bit heavy but you need to create a solid foundation before you let your site lose in the wild. If you make big mistakes it will have a negative effect on your sites performance and it's harder fixing things than it is to get them right.

I'm not a pro developer by the way I just taught myself. Hopefully there are some pros on here that can give you better advice.

Good luck with you site.

Out of all that you've shown me, I've used Aptana

Going to digest this info and make a static site thanks QEMM

Best of luck man! If you don't mind paying for it, just use GoDaddy to host your website. It's something cheap like $1 a month for your first year and all you have to do is code up your website in Dreamweaver or another program, then FTP into the website and push your files! I've been doing it for a company and it works out wonderfully. Happy web devving!

I still don't know exactly what I'm supposed to do here I will look at MS Expression, is there something simpler?

There's a flood of info here thanks ppl... 

How exactly is your website set up? If it's on google drive I would assume you made a folder that contains all the html, css ,js, etc. files that run your website. If you don't mind paying, then register a domain with GoDaddy and use FTP on dreamweaver or FTPZilla(?) and push your files to the new server.

Also if you're even having trouble creating a website, Adobe Muse is an entirely visual website builder that requires no coding experience at all.

I have a domain with GoDady and my website is up and running on Google drive as the host...

My new server?  I just want to show my meta data but when i search for it, my keywords It's like finding a needle in a haystack... Please tell me how this Adobe Muse with help search results....

Thanks Revolt for trying to help me..