How to deep search in ranger?

flat -1 is no option since I have massive amounts of files (on a hdd) and I can not find another solution for a recursive search inside ranger.

Can’t you just use find from ranger? You can execute shell commands with ! from it.

! find . ...

There are some options listed here Ranger wiki

I like the fzf integration.


That’s an idea. With

:shell -p find . -iname %%space

it is possible to do that of some sort. But the thing is that the output is not a selectable list (like a directory in ranger) but more a generic pager like when using less. I would have to remember the path and manually move there which is quite annoying.

But while fiddling with this I stumbled upon a reasonable, still not perfect, solution: a plugin to integrate fd into ranger

I may not have a list of all findings like I would have with chaining flat and filter, but I can at least deep search and jump through the results

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I put this command into my and nothing happened. I put at the bottom of the file, is that ok? Also i am running this on a mac in terminal view. Any ideas on how to get this to work? Thanks!