How to copy a game disc?

I recently purchased Morrowind Game of the Year Edition and would like to make a copy of the first disc so I can keep the wear and tear off of it. I would just use a no cd patch but I am using the Morrowind Overhaul mod and you can't use a no cd patch or the mod will not work properly.

Use Alcohol 120%, Daemons Tools, or another iso ripping program. Make an iso, then burn the iso to another dvd.

download imgburn. then click create a image file from disk, and when it's finished write the image file to a new blank disk. fyi dont write at full speed, write at 2x or 4x to ensure you dont have any read/write errors.


I wonder if I mounted the iso of the disc to my HDD, if that would work with the mod? That way I wouldn't need any disc to play which would be convenient. However I have no experiance with iso files or mounting iso files. Does anyone know of a guide that would be good for a beginner? And thanks CaptainPip fpr the info, I am researching Alcohol 120% now :)

And thanks fredrich nietze for your help as well :)  You posted while I was adding my comment.