So my Friend is building a 1k pc with a 7970 and im trying to convince him to use his pc to play FPS games. He dose like fps on console, but he says that they are to easy on pc. saying that he had a very high K-D ration like 100 to 1 in halo one when he played it a year ago. (this is a bull example because not very many people that are very good will play halo 1 any more. and the online pings are over 9000!) * on a side not i remember going 255 and 0 on battle creek with shotguns and no shields and unlimited gerunds lolz the fun i had.
back on topic now.
I was trying to tell him that part of the problem of consoles is that you have such a high input lag with the controller and that the keyboard was letting him be a lot faster on the pc. Also, if he used a keyboard with the Xbox360 that he would have a similar result.
but at last I have yet to convince him to play any pc game but MMO's such as RIFT.
I mean personally I play some games on consoles and I have started to play some games on PC. It's really just a personal preference, for me it isn't so much that it's easier but that I like the feel of a controller in my hand better than a keyboard(I'm probably more used to a controller). But what really pulled me into PC galing is how cheap games are on PC. Steam is awesome. Also if he is building a 1k computer with 7970, I mean why not game on there it's alot more powerful and if he really wants it, alot of games are controller compatible. Also with all the mods for games and how much better it just looks in general, you can't go wrong.
just show him counter strike competitive matches to show him its not easy
and let him decide if he likes to play fps on whatever platform because if graphics isnt an issue to him its totally subjective to his opinion and what he'd prefer to play on.
can't nock it till ya try it, saying that halo is a good example you why you shouldnt play fps full stop (it's crap). blaklight retribution, tribes asscend, unreal tournament, CSGO, QUAKe. just to name a few, he will get his ass handed to him on a plate served with salad and dressing. then let him see how easy it is.... pfft. heck even pve fps on pc can be more challenging like the crisis games, espcially 1 and warhead or bots in unreal tournament i mean cmon you can make them fight beyound human capability for crying out loud.
but at the end of day if he cant see the light it's his loss, i would'nt worry to much. all you can do is get him to try it and let him make his own mind up
A lot of people may not agree with me, but Planetside 2 has changed the way I view multiplayer FPS games. That game blew me away, once I learned how to turn shadows off completely so it runs at a decent rate anyway. PS2 for me is like a buffet at a casino, great food, tons of it and it's very cheap(PS2 is free!). After that, all other multiplayer FPS' seem like licking envelopes for sustenance.
I don't know how someone gets a 9000ms ping; they'd probably have to be using a 56k satellite connection on a very cloudy day playing on server across the globe. The worst ping I get is about 200 - 250ms when I connect to german or russian servers, and I live in the Sates. I have a 6Mbit/s from AT&T, and we have the crappiest ISP's of all developed countries.
Tell him to hook up a 360 controller to PC. you get better graphics, greatly reduced load times, ability to mod, and better deals on games.