How to bulge side panel to fit big cooler? (FINISHED W/ PICTURES)

so i got a cooler from some-one without really checking it that much but now i have installed it and the cooler
(a alpenfohn himalaya 2) wont fit into my case (Corsair 330R)
its just 5mm to big (without the sound dampening) so is there a way to bulge a small part of the side panel?
i-am not afraid for a little bit of modding but i don't know how its possible.

Just a clean little bump in the side panel

It'd be pretty difficult to do, mostly because you have to slide in the side panel (could be different with the 330r). Is it the fan thats interfering or the top of the heat pipes?

heatpipes sadly..

possibly file down the heat pipes?

i think i'd go to far down and get an open heatpipe (bad)

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Must... Resist... Urge... To... Say... Hammer...

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was thinking about that but how to do it properly..
it needs to go back on there you know ;p

best bet would be to cut a hole in the side panel to allow the cooler to fit, try not to make it too big, though the heatsink CANT touch the side panel, and be sure to leave enough room to get the side panel on and off.. then if you really want to, get something like a tuper ware container, cut the hole big enough for it to fit up to its lip, then hot glue it in place, fill any gaps around the outside with hot glue, smooth it, spray paint it, boom..

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i can give you a better step by step if you want.

please do ;) i-am curious


  1. Measure the longest section of the length of the hint sink, and the length of its widest part.. (including any fans if they protrude aswell) , write it down.

  2. go to some cheap kitchen/homeware shop, find the best container that has a base that matches as close as possible to your measurements, remember you only need to be shallow, and the flatter the rim the better. (best bet is something a kin to a take away container)

  3. messure from the top of where the side panel meets the case, (just below that top lip) to the top right of the heatsink, and from the back to the side of it, on the bottom corner, measure that out on the back of the side panel.

  4. place your tuper wear container over that marked area, remembering to leave a gap towards the front end of the panel, so you can put it on and off the case, mark the outside of the corners, then measure out a smaller rectangle inside those markings (basically, to mark the hole for the container to sit up to its lip)

  5. drill out the corners of the square, and saw off the sides, dremel is good but take a while, angle grinder would be best if you have one :D

  6. file down the edges, doesnt have to be perfect your covering it, just enough to stop it being razor sharp.

  7. place the tuper ware container upside down in the middle of a table, take the hot glue gun (preferably with black glue) and fill the rim with the glue, as quickly as you can, when your done, put the side panel on it, outside up, then go around the inside of the edge with the hot glue gun. - let it dry.

  8. get a can of black spray paint, do this outside, you could even hang it from the washing line with some wire, old coat hangers are good but a bit of string will do.

  9. let it dry, and your done!


If you can mount it on a frame of some sort so as not to lose the square shape of the edges/slide locks then you can just stretch out the panel a bit. Slowly, bit by bit. that is the hardest part is keeping the shape right.

Jesus Christ, sell either the case or the cooler and buy a new one... Don't F up either of those, mainly because then you have to invest money in the new one but without the jump start of the old one's selling price.
My suggestion - the case... 330R is not that great of a case anyway. Not really sure how good the Alpenfohn is... Pick one and sell it and buy new one, that the other can fit in or around.

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yeah, your case is still selling for £80+ on ebay, so if you still have the packaging, sell it. get another one, but check it can accommodate your cooler first

@psycho_666 It'd be less of a hassel to just get another heatsink, doesn't have to rebuild his system all over again.

On corsair's website they say "Up to 160mm of space for CPU coolers." for the 330r.

So do a little research and find any heatsink that is below that.

You can always take a ball-peen hammer, torch, and leather bean bag. Mark the section that needs to change. Take the torch heat up the metal a bit not to much. Take the hammer and tap lightly where it is marked until you get a nice bulge.

You can always cut out that section as well. It's up to you.

hold the panel tightly to your lap. make sure youre laying down flat. now watch prison girls on netflix. then let nature take its course. results will vary. if you dont see enough results. ask your black friend for help.

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Thank you all for the suggestions.
The reason i bought this from someone and not a store is because i don't have a whole lot of money to spend.
and i also bought the case 2nd hand a year or two ago.
[EDIT] also i was fired last sunday hehe [/EDIT]

For me silence is golden so i won't change the case (also because i won't be able to buy another one for the money i'd get)
But i might look into another cooling solution.

what is was thinking is cutting out a piece and putting in a small metal tray, and then maybe paint it or leave it as a contrast color..

I was going to suggest something of this nature. How is your welding skills?

well i can weld pipes and stuff but i-am not going to try it with thin metal.
maybe use metal glue or good double sided tape.

the nice thing about this method is that i can re aply the sound dampening material

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