How stable are the ASUS B85 boards?

I've been putting together a list of parts for my upcoming build and I noticed that ASUS do a B85 chipset variant of most of their lines. I was wondering if any of these were good enough to allow an i7-4770k or the new i7-4790k with some overclocking? Or am I better off going with a fully fledged z87/z97 motherboard? Wendell did a video a little while back on a B85 board that AsRock made and he mentioned that he was able to do some overclocking on it, but is the platform stable enough for uses such as rendering video or is it more limited?

Pretty sure B85 chipset doesn't support overclocking anymore. IIRC Intel patched that or something, and I think it was only possible on asrock specific boards. B85 also doesn't support memory overclocking. I have a B75 board, and I had problems with setting up RAID arrays, (problems meaning not able to set up a hardware level raid) despite Intel specifying that B75 supports RAID. I'm not sure about B85 RAID though.

Hmm, I may have to just increase my budget a bit, it's not a big deal I guess