How often do you play games a day (roughly, console gamers answer too please!)

How often do you play games a day? like in hours, i probably atm play like an hour a day (during history or geography at school haha) because I'm working on a cod montage so i can get into some clans :)

Console gamers can answer too.

2 or 3 but fewer if I have had a long day and more if im playing with a friend.

averaged out over the span of a week. maybe an hour. And its funny to because I built a computer and spent a bunch of money to play games and I hardly ever do that. Most my time is spent learning new things, or rendering. I don't even surf that much.


6, Senior in HS

haha I'm scared that I'm not gonna game as much as i hope to. I'm building like a $850 build mainly for fun, but Its main use is gaming. thanks for all you answers guys!

That depends on what I have to do. As a student my free time varies a lot. At the moment I am at home most of the days because I have to write some papers which means than I am gaming a lot to distract me from working (which is pretty bad...).

I guess i am playing about three hours a day, but looking to reduce it because it really quenches my productivity

Depends on the day, sometimes I play 2 hours, sometimes I don't have time to play, average about 6-7 hours a week.

Currently steam says 50 hours in the last 2 weeks.
Senior in College about to graduate, and just got out of doing some research, been playing a lot for this first quarter. But in late 2013 I got maybe 4 hours every 2 weeks.

You know... like... maybe 1 or 2 hours a day... e_e fine i lied it's perfectly normal to play 6+ hours a day

On a week day it'd probably be like 1-2 hours, weekends it'd probably be closer to 5 or 6

Damn, up until last year I was you.  Now college is making my gaming life crawl to a halt.  I don't even have much motivation to play Dota with my friends on the weekend.

My Steam profile states 14 hours over the last two weeks (which I doubt is true), to think last year I was playing at least 30 hours every 2 weeks.

Maybe a couple hours on weekdays after work, weekend, could be anything from an hour to all day marathons

Depends on the day. On the average weekday maybe about 4 hours. On the weekend.. too many to count.

It really depends on how I feel and if I have anything to do or forced to go somewhere or whatever.

Normally it's about 30-40 every week, on a good week that is.

1-2 hours every couple of days on a workday, maybe 3-4 hours on weekends.

I tend to break up my gaming sessions with 10 minute breaks fairly reguarly, typically I enjoy DLCs were I can just finish it all on one sitting. I can't for the life of me stay awake past 1am so eh?

I'm usually busy with work and stuff.

Maybe two hours a day? I go days at a time without gaming, but other times I put in four hours a day or more.

Used to be 1-2 hours a day, then college happened and its more like 3-4 hours a week (mostly on Saturday)

Traditionally I have been very cyclical. For a short period of time, I will focus on X.  I have tried to actively pursue a more well rounded endeavor.  For instance, spend 1-3 hours learning new things... spending 1-3 hours gaming.... spending 1-3hrs music/putzing around the interwebs.... all after work. 

Some days I'll not play at all, others I might fall into an 8 hour binge.  Most days it's closer to 1 or 2 though, just to clear my head.  A lot of times I'll start a game, pause, and periodically alt-tab in and out of it throughout the day when I get and/or need a break.  It's quicker than launching every time I feel like playing.  

I try not to play more than a couple of hours a day. When I was a kid I would play for like 4-5 hours at time. Now some days I don't play at all. Steam says 15.5 hours over the last 2 weeks but add about 8 hours to that for Wind Waker on the Dolphin emulator so around 24.