How often do you eat fast food?

Question is in the title.

For me, I only eat it like 4 times in an entire year, and it only happens because I need to eat something fast and I am impatient. It's alright food I guess, but my stomach and asshole don't seem to agree with it, which makes sense I guess

about once a week when im too lazy to cook

Fast food, to me is fresh food that I don't have to cook. If I don't have time to prep, I'll go to a sushi bar or the likes. 

Finding quick serve restaurants is quite fun sometimes and can be a great way to build relationships with great chefs and owners. I can shamelessly say that I am given a few free meals each month.

About shit like Tacobell etc... Well... my dog eats better than that, and it does't save you money. Haven't eaten at TB, KFC, McDs or anything like that grease since the century's turn.

probably a little more often than you. maybe 7 times a year usually?


In the summer I go out skating all day then jump into mcdonalds for quick food. 

More than I would like, and thats maybe once or twice a month if you don't include the odd Pizza. I only eat it now and then when I'm out picking something up, though I'll tend to opt for a bowl of Udon or some quick Thai.

With the pizza some months once a week, other bi-weekly....

(My family turns to pizza on payday because they're lazy and I don't exactly have a good grocery store to get the food I'd like to make for myself)

*I detest McDicks and KFC because I've gotten food poisoning several times from different McDicks when I was younger, since then only ever gotten it when drunk and the only food near by is McDIcks. KFC, I bit into a drumstick once and I spat out a portion of a spine that I had bit into that was in the thigh.... Not a good experience.

Whataburger or chic fla 2x a week and a restaurant on the weekend and maybe some sushi on friday  

I eat one big meal a day and 98 % of food consumption is takeaway. The list follows for the week 

  • 2 kebabs
  • 3 Chinese i order 3 in 1 fried rice,honey chicken & sweet and sour pork
  • 1 up size  KFC zinger box 
  • 1 quarter of BBQ chicken  and a small chips with chicken salt  & a shit load of BBQ sauce 

For my refreshment i drink about 6 to 8 litre of coke


once a week. although i don't do mcds, burgerking, etc...

If you include Chipotle which I would, maybe once or twice a week. That said I don't go to places with drive-through's

I eat fast food like 3 - 5 times a week. The rest of the time I take away from regular restaurants. I am a university student with no cooking skills what so ever.

A few (2-3)  times a year usually when I'm away and need quick food and/or if I hate myself.

Every other day, I cook from scratch.

I can go whole weeks eating fast food. Then I regret it and go on a 6 month detox. Also, it depends where I am living. During my time in London, I ate fast food if I was "on the go", which was much more frequently.

I used to have a takeaway about once a week. For the last 6 month though I have moved to a healthier diet. I still treat myself to a takeaway once a blue moon though. 

during the college semester...more times than I am willing to say...but outside of college it is really rare.

very occationally. I do like a Big Mac. Subway is nice too. once a month maybe less.

McDonalds Big Mac gets a mention before Burger King's Bacon Double Cheeseburger? smh

something about the sauce.... and the price lol. BurgerKing feels more real though

A bit too often admittingly, after I get myself straight in my new job I plan to stay away from fast food places for the longest time. I try to eat better when I go there as well. KFC for the potato wedges, Wendy's chicken sandwiches, and SubWay. Those are about it and most of the time it's SubWay. Gotta lose some weight, don't want a heart attack at age 25-30 I have a lot of stuff I want to do!